24 } The Bad Boy Has Dinner With My Mum

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I creeped down the stairs as Tyson impatiently watched me from down the stairs, I attempted to walk my slowest, before he snorted about a laugh. "What?" I looked up and down to see if there was anything on me before he looked back up at me.

"Well at first I thought you were walking slow because you didn't want to go downstairs, but it's just cause of this bad boy," I rolled my eyes.

"Your cockiness makes me sick," he looked at me before we both broke into a small smile, "pun intended."

Over the time of me and Tyson spending time with each other, I realised that we were quite smilies but way different at the same time.

     Kinda perfect.

"Can you two hurry up?" I heard mum call from the living room, I began to walk down the stairs as Tyson put his hand on my lower back as we walked to the living room. "Ah Da-" she stopped her words short as she saw a completely different face. "Who's this honey?"

"Erm, this is Tyson, you know Tyson right?" Although my mum hadn't actually met Tyson, she knew a heck of a lot about him.

Remember, this boy was my crush for three years.

"Oh-wha, Tyson?" She looked at me as if saying, is this the one? I nodded and she looked at him and smiled,

"Hi Ms Saunders," he smiled, I looked at him, surprised for a moment. He looked down and slyly rolled his eyes before smiling again at my mum.

"Is this the guy that helped you with your ankle?" She looked at him carefully as I mentally face-palmed, why must you ask such a question? I let out a small high pitched hum saying yes as she nodded and gave us our plates of food before sitting down.

This is going to be a long ass night.

"So what's happened with Damon?" She asked, I gave her a look before she quickly changed it to, "what's happened with the bacon?" Before coughing, again face palming Tyson whispered in my ear.

"I swear you don't eat bacon,"

"We don't," I sighed, "so how was your day today mum?"

"You guys used a condom right?"

"Oh my god," I put my plate down and mentally cried, Tyson simply sat there as he munched on his egg fried rice before looking between me and my mum.

"I should get going maybe," he cleared his throat, attempting to eat the last few grains of rice before standing up. He looked down and smiled at me then my mum and walked out.

"You are so embarrassing," I cried, I lay down, thinking about the terror that just happened.

"What? I just asked if you used a condom!" She attempted to justify what she said but she really only made it worse. "Okay I admit, I'm sorry, but still! So tell me, what happened with Damon, do spill."

"Okay okay, so Damon... did something, and then we broke up-"

"Oh no, I knew that boy was trouble," she tutted.

"No stop," I defended him quickly, "were okay I guess now. But anyway," for lying, woohoo, "last night I was at his because he was.. comforting me and then we you know..."

"Well first I'd like to say congratulations!" I looked at her in shock, "you've liked this guy for god knows how long and you scored him! Also he is really fit, honestly if I was your age I would soo-"

"Mum your not my age,"

"Yeah but I'm saying if I was-"

"Your not."

"No I know, but if I was I would jump the livi-"

"Stop. Just stop," I shook my head at her as she rolled her eyes before asking me more and more questions.

"But you did use a condom right?"

"Yes," oh wait... no, no we did not.

"Oh okay as long as you did the-"

"Wait we didn't!"

"You didn't?!"


"Amelia language."


"But FUCK!"

      Shock horror.

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