11 } The Bad Boy's Are Bad?

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Book cover by @-librocubicularist

I woke up, already smiling, it had been two days after the date on Friday and I was buzzing. School was tomorrow and I havE no idea of the reaction I was gonna get. Damon chased Rob and made him delete it even though a vast amount of people already saw the Snapchat. But I heard him say send it to me though, I wanted the picture too though not gonna lie.

When he dropped he home, he kissed me again,

           I was kissed. I have been waiting for that kiss for a 16 years and I finally got it with someone that cared deeply about me and I did for them.

          Let's take a moment to be extremely happy for me.




       Can you tell I'm a happy bunny right now?

I rolled out of bed with ease, I bounced my way towards the bathroom, brushed my teeth and rushed downstairs, filled up a small pot of water, got a stopwatch and made my way towards mothers room.

I was surprised she was still asleep, I slowly spilled the water on her face and watched her as she jolted awake. Her eyes opened and she looked at me confused, "what are you doing?!"

"Waking you up," I gave her a duh look and walked out of her room to get ready for school.

"Amelia," she called, I spun around and peeped my head through her door, I nodded for her to continue, "it's still the weekend honey."

My foots rubbed against my leg as I laughed, "haha, psh, of course I knew that mother! What do you take me for? An idiot?" I know I do. She nodded and then went back to sleep,

"Do that again and I'll do more than drop a vase of water on you," she told me before turning on her side and fell back asleep. Rolling my eyes I went to my bed and texted the group chat.

Bad Bitches

Tricia : have fun on your date b x
Jonah : stay a virgin tonight
                 I'm serious, lose it and I'll hunt you     down.

Sunday 13th January 2017

Amelia: hey guys
Jonah: who is this?
Amelia: yur mum dumbass, who else
Jonah: one - don't cuss my mother
Two - is this actually you?

I checked the time and saw it was 12:00, do I really wake up that later than midday all the time?

Tricia: What's up
Amelia: Jonah thinks I'm incapable of waking up at such an early time.
Jonah: do you really blame me tho?
Tricia: let's all meet at the mall today and watch that movie tonight too.

We all agreed and I got dressed into some sweats and a hoodie before popping on my trainers and left the house after telling my mum. I walked down the road, today was surprisingly really sunny, which was surprising seeing as it was really cold for the last few days.

We usually spend the whole day at the mall and if we weren't shopping, then we were obviously at the food court.

I was thinking about Damon the whole way there which was making my heart all funny and my stomach all happy. It was one of those feelings when you go on a dip in a roller coaster - which I hate by the way.

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