3 } The Bad Boy Got Me To Pluck My Eyebrows

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"He bet on you?!" Tricia asked, both Jonah and her have been bombarding me with questions ever since I told them which was literally 5 seconds ago.

"W-w-w-wait. How did he even get this idea that you could even run?"

Hehe, well....

"I don't know, must be my killer legs," I motioned towards my legs but they didn't buy it, I scratched the back of my neck as I stuck my face in my locker. Shitshitshitshit.

"Honey your 5'ft,"

"Look BITCH," I swung my head out of my locker, ready to back myself up about my height but all Jonah had to do was raise his - very fleeky - eyebrow and he got me.


"YOU DID WHAT?" Fuck, they caught on. "What possessed you to even say such bullshit?!" Jonah asked,

"I panicked, he was like rubbing me,"


"Like his leg! His leg was rubbing against mine, so I wanted to impress and now I'm going to be depressed." I pretended to cried and sat down on the floor.

"What did you tell him?" Tricia asked,

"Well first I told him to take his top off,"

"Did he do it?" Both me and Tricia slowly turned to look at Jonah as he excitedly asked,

"No,"Jonah and Tricia sat down opposite me on the floor. "But after I said no, he was like oh but aluminium-" I started off in a low man voice, they both gave me odd looks, "it's the name he has for me."

"Aww," they both said in unionS they looked at each other,

"Aluminium, you can't give up on me. I need you to win this race for me babe. So I said yeah."

"Coz he called you babe?"

"Coz he called me babe."

"Wow Lia, I don't know how but good luck trying to get your way out of this one cause boy your in some deep shit." Tricia helpfully pointed out.

"Wow first day back and the bad boy's making bets on you, against your enemy," we all nodded.

"I have to tell him don't I?"



It was after school and we were all making our way towards Tricia's car before, "Aluminium, wait up." I turned around and saw honey boo running up to me.

"Look at that, maybe you can run the race yourself," he cocked an eyebrow at me, gotta try better than that. "Can I help you?"

"Yes actually, well no, I help you." Intrigued, I raised a brow and nodded for him to continue, "Aluminium, I don't usually help people, well bun that, I never people but I'll make an exception for my favourite girl." He called me his favourite girl, eep. "Basically, I'm going to help you for this race, solely-"

"Big word," my jackass self pointed out,

"Solely, so you can win for me and I don't lose. So jackass," ouch he called me jackass, "clear your schedule for tomorrow, it's you and me," he winked at me before walking back to his crew. Petra, his girlfriend giving me evils. "But it's school tomorrow,"

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