Chapter 23- The Mistress.

Start from the beginning

My body had its own senses, as I felt eyes raking upon me. I started feeling self conscious but didn't let it show on my face. I held my head high and plastered a cynical smirk on my face.

A strong arm snaked around my waist and tightened it's hold. I turned to see icy blue eyes staring ahead but a familiar kind of fire was burning in those cold blues. I could only stare at that amazing blue fire.

Rogan squeezed my waist and pulled me closer. His posture was as stiff as a concrete wall.

"You're hurting me. Loosen up." I snapped at him. His hold was really getting tighter by the second and it was giving me both pain and electrifying sensation around my abdomen and thighs.

"Shut up." He said and ignored me.

Meanwhile, I saw a huge round belly and next I saw a glowing face of my best friend Trisha. "Mel!" She squealed which made me groan internally. Her hormones are always on bloody steroids!

"When will they come out?" Was my first question as I came upon the group.

But no one seemed to answer my question because as I scanned their faces, they were all open-mouthed and gaping at us, except Pete. Uh-oh, we might have missed out some important news for our friends.

"Is something the matter?" Greg asked, coming from the left with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"No." Parker said, "we have Rogan AND Melissa here. TOGETHER." Greg's mouth formed into an 'o' just like the rest.

"Big deal, guys." Pete said dryly. "These two live together therefore they are here together." A round of gasps sounded around the group.

"When did that happen?"

"How? Why?"

"How do you know?"


"Are you both having an affair?!" Trisha asked with an horrified expression. And with that, the others stopped their banter. I don't know who said what.



I immediately stared at Rogan. We both said at the same time. "We are not having any affair, Kingston!" I hissed at him with knife-like eyes.

He shrugged. He dropped his hand from my waist ordered the bartender for a scotch with rocks. All of us stared at him. I could only glare at him. Pete gave him the stink eye.

"Who said we are not?" He asked rhetorically. A smirk plastered on his devilishly handsome face.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Trisha asked with fury bubbling in her eyes. Parker was amused by some reason. Greg was still thinking what to make out of it. I was enraged! Pete was, well, clueless what to say as if he has witnessed Rogan's recklessness for years, which he did undoubtedly.

"Melissa is my mistress." Rogan stated. He stared directly into my eyes, the icy blues hid a lot of evil thoughts, a lot of mysteries. "And that's all you guys need to know."

The tension broke as a new Bollywood song was being played by the Dj. Two Arabian dancers graced the stage and the sourness almost faded.


It was midnight and Parker took Trisha home. Pete called it a night as well. I drowned a few glasses of vodka. Rogan was in a sour mood the whole night.

"I'm sorry Greg I couldn't meet you. I was quite engaged with stuffs." I apologized.

Greg gave me a teasing smile. "Yeah, I could see you were quite engaged, Mel." He looked over at Rogan who was completely sloshed. He drank uncountable glasses of whiskey.

"Greg, whatever you are thinking about us...."

"Ah, do not give me explanations, Mel. We always wanted you both to be together. You both were just meant to be. The golden couple! But, fate happened." He gave a weak smile to me and I let him speak, staring at him blankly. "Whatever situation brought you both together is secondary. I'm just happy to see you guys together. Obviously, not as you both were in high school but I'm sure fate is playing well to get you both where you are now."

I rolled my eyes at his words. "You aren't making sense, Greg. The tequila is speaking for you right now. And trust me when I say this, nothing is going to happen between us. What we had before was love, what we have now is opposite of that love. I guess it was never meant to be."

Greg sighed and stood up, taking his jacket along. "Remember sweetheart, fate is playing it's game very well."

Greg kissed my forehead and left.


"It's going to be 1. We should leave." I told Rogan. I was really getting tired and my head was feeling heavy. But Rogan seemed to still be up for the night.

He looked up at me for the first time that night. He was reeking​ of alcohol. His eyes were bloodshot. "The night is still young. Let's dance." He slurred.

He took my hand rather gently and stumbled upon his step. I held onto him hand tightly. "Careful." I said. He gave me a broad smile. My heart almost swelled.

The music was not too rock nor too slow. A medium paced dance was going on in the floor. There were about five to seven people swaying.

His hands landed on my waist and he pulled me closer to him for which my hands landed upon his chest. We swayed with the flow of the music, the twirls and jumps made Rogan lose his balance often.

I put my arms around his neck to keep him steady. He pulled me closer to him if that was even possible. His breath hit my face and he smiled at me.

It was the first time after we met that he genuinely smiled at me without any malice. His eyes started to close but the smile didn't leave his face.

And then, it happened.

Rogan Kingston wrapped me into a bone-crushing hug. His head dipped in my neck and he took a long breath from my hair, taking in the scent.

"You are beautiful." He whispered. "You are mine. I hate those men watching you." He bit my ear lobe. I almost let out a moan but stopped myself.

"No. I'm not yours." I told him in a similar whisper as his. "This is the alcohol speaking in you. I'm a married woman who is temporarily being your mistress to clear her husband's debts."

He stiffened again. Gone was the smile. He looked at me squarely in my eyes. I felt like a monster was staring at me.

"Mistress, huh?" His eyes showed nothing but evil. It almost scared me. He took my hand again and pulled me towards the exit.

"I'll show you then how a mistress should be."



Oooooooooo.... What's gonna happen tonight? 😠

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