Chapter 9- Friends At Skyee!

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Tring! Tring!

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Tring! Tring!

The land line rang loudly in the empty mansion and no one picked it up. Where were the workers? I thought, in my half asleep state.

The phone kept on ringing non stop. Ugh. This is so annoying! I opened my eye lids and stretched my arms. The sunlight hit my face and I let out an unladylike yawn.

As I reached over to get the intercom to pick it up, the stupid thing stopped blaring. I groaned in irritation. Guess, someone finally had the time to pick it up.

I went back and snuggled under my silk sheets. Today is one of those days when you want to be pampered and just feel lazy to do anything. Obviously, I have no one to pamper me but my bed loves me alright.

Just as my eye lids were suppose to close, the intercom rang again. Someone forwarded the call. This must be important.

But why the heck people are disturbing my sleep?! Once in a while, I get to sleep peacefully and the damn world will be a piece of crap to face today.

I picked up the call. "Melissa! Wake up!!" Trisha sang in her obnoxiously loud voice. My eardrums are murdered brutally early morning.

"What do you want, woman? This better be good." I said with a hint of warning. If she called me for something stupid like baby shopping or room decorating, then this woman is going to die.

"Where did the sun rise today, Mel?" Trisha asked humorously. She was enjoying this way too much.

"Get to the point. What you want?"

"Having a brunch with the group. At 1pm, in 'The Skyee'. Be there. See you, later." And with that, Trisha hung up the phone on me.

Without much thought, I slumped my head back in my soft pillow.

After an hour later, I woke up and took a long bath and decided to put on some vibrant coloured clothes. My life wasn't happy but a girl needs to pamper herself at times.

I dressed up in a yellow colour summer dress and paired it with white accessories and pumps.

I checked myself in the mirror and something was lacking still. A smile. It wasn't a big deal though, I had a stock of fake smiles with me. Mustering up a smile, I took my purse and key and headed for the brunch.


'The Skyee' was a 60 storey high building. The owner was Parker Michaelson, Trisha's fiancee. The Michaelson's were my mom's business partner from generations. They owned hotels and restaurants, luxury cruises all over the world.

The glass elevator took me to The Sky aka the roof of the building. The roof was only for the private, high class dinners and parties. The view of the city was breathtaking from here. You could see the horizon at the end of the city, the sky and the water meets. The birds flew in flocks, the sky rise building shone from the bright rays of the sun. And lastly, the big ball of hotness shone handsomely in the middle of the blue haven of its.

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