Chapter 14- Silent Welcome.

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The car ride to my destination was eerily silent and awkward

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The car ride to my destination was eerily silent and awkward. The driver was too formal, uttered not even a word and I didn't show interest in talking either.

The sleek black car came to a halt outside a tall building. This part of the area belonged to the Riverhill Estates. Riverhill was one of those posh places of the city. This are had the tallest apartment buildings, whereas you go interior you'll get the residential bungalows.

"You'll be escorted up to the penthouse, Miss Melissa. Your luggage will be there." As the driver opened the car door, I stepped out. A woman in black formal outfit came up to me and with a warm smile greeted me. I smiled back as well.

"Welcome, ma'am."

She took me inside the building and then to the elevator. She pressed the 60th floor and the elevator moved up. A silent elevator takes more time to reach I guess because I felt like I was stuck there for a good one hour but checking my watch I saw it was only 7 minutes.

We reached the door to the penthouse. The woman who was probably one of the housekeeper tapped her finger on the password lock.

"The password is 17041993." The housekeeper informed me. I repeated it in my head so that I remember it clearly.

"Thanks." I smiled at her. "Is Mr. Kingston home?" I asked. I wanted to have a chat with him.

"No ma'am. He went out on a business trip. He will be back in two days." She replied politely.

Ugh! You call someone home and then leave them on their own! Wow! The guy had some brain. Note the sarcasm.

What will I do for two days? I didn't even know for how many days I will be staying here.

"Come, I'll show you to your room and around." The housekeeper offered. I nodded and followed her.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Maria." She replied with a smile. She was a beautiful lady with curves and about 5'1 in height. She was pretty short but she had grace and a soft voice.

"For how long have you worked here, Maria?" I asked to make some conversation. It was getting really awkward in here. I feel strange standing in a stranger's house. He is not exactly a stranger but I feel like I don't know him anymore.

"For 2 years now, ma'am." She replied curtly. I nodded and didn't say anything else as we stepped inside a room.

Maria opened the door to the gym first. "This is where Sir works out. You'll sometimes find him at 3am here. He loves to workout." That is why he is so fit.

Next, she opened two doors and both were guest rooms, the décor of the room was in plain white with silver linings. It looked simple yet elegant. The other room was same as the first. Maybe, I'll stay in one of these rooms.

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