Annoying Mosquitos

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This is an actual dream I just woke up from. Sorry, it might be a little confusing. It was in my POV, but I kind of switched between my sister and I. Every time I use [these] I'm breaking out of the story. Sorry, that might get old.


My brother had just gone blind. We were starting at a new school. A school where we were not accepted/didn't fit in. We didn't know why. We weren't very different from anyone else.

I had to take care of my brother. It was so hard on me. His eyes looked normal, so I had a hard time believing he actually couldn't see.

We didn't have money to pay for a place to live. The only shelter we had was a junky 7 passenger van. The floor had holes in it, it didn't have heat, and (oh yeah!) we shared it with 5 other people we barely new.

The guy and girl living in the back seat had dark hair and were really fat. [Hadn't know each other till they lived in the van, are now a couple.] The single girl living next to them was smaller and sweet.

The guy living next to me in the middle was blonde and kind of cute. But he creeped me out. The girl on the other side of him was quirky and nervous.

In the front two seats, was my brother and another disabled guy. We had to move out the seat to fit in his wheelchair. His hair was black and his clear blue eyes lit up when he had an idea.

We parked the car in the school parking lot, up close to the building.

[blah blah don't remember what happened]

One of the first days of school, I found myself with a note. [I don't remember how I got it or who gave it to me.] It said open locker 3 tonight.

I went and opened locker 2 by mistake.  The few things inside fell out and landed on my foot. I hopped around and opened 3. Only a few notebooks. I took them out and flipped through them. Empty. A stack of papers sat tightly between the notebooks.

I kneeled on the floor and spread the papers out. Scholarships. All filled out with my (???) name on them. I would hardly have to pay anything for a few years.

I stood to put the things from locker 2 back in place.

All of a sudden, the principal [at least that's who I think I was] and a security guard were running down the hall and pointing at me. "What do you think you're doing?!" Shouted the woman who hated it me for I don't know what.

I held out my note.

She didn't even look, but said, "You are breaking into other people's property."

The guy in the wheelchair who lived with us pulled out of the shadows. "No she's not. The note's from me."

I swung my eyes from him to the scholarships and back. "These were yours?"

He nodded.

"Why would you do that?!"

He shook his head. "Because you need them more than I do."

I couldn't think of anything to say. He was so sweet, but I didn't want his charity. I could get by on my own, thank you.

The principal [whoever she was!!] looked like an old dishrag. I couldn't tell if she was touched or disgusted. "Get out of this school," she said through gritted teeth.

Wheelchair guy nodded in acknowledgement and spun his chair around.

We all got in our rickety van and drove away.

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