Ella and Graham (3)

12 3 2

I was one of three people still on the train. How long would this delay continue? The train had been sitting here for 45 minutes and wasn't showing any sign of moving. I sighed, took off my watch, setting it on the seat beside me.

What if Ella wasn't there when I finally got to the station? I'd be stranded with no where to go until I could catch the next train back. She had to be there.

But why would she wait for me? I was a friend from the past. Someone she wrote letters to. Sure we talked on the phone once a month, but she always seemed stiff and uncomfortable. Could we really count as friends anymore? We were more like glorified acquaintances.

The train rumbled and jerked. I didn't get my hopes up. This was the forth time and we hadn't gone 20 feet. An ear piercing sound made me clamp my hands to my head. It could probably be heard for a mile. We lurched forward for a few seconds.

A light reflecting off my watch and hit my eyes. I felt like it was mocking me.

I curled up on the seat and ran through all the letters Ella'd sent me in my mind. I read them so much, they were like a part of me. I saved them too. I sighed. She probably threw mine away.

The speaker cracked and the conductor's voice came on. He sounded tired. "I'm sorry, everyone. We might be stuck here for a while longer. There's a problem with the [blah blah blah, fill in techie words here]. Sit back and maybe try to get some sleep."

I leaned my head on the back of the seat. So much for seeing my best friend.

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