Ella and Graham (5)

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"My car's this way."

"Ok," Graham said, huddling deeper into his coat. That's when I realized how long I'd been living in the north. In a vest and long sleeve shirt, I was comfortable for short trips outside. After all, even though snow drifted around us, it was 33 degrees. Warm for February.

I supposed I should mention..."The heater in my car doesn't warm up very quick. Maybe by the time we get home."

He nodded.

"But I have a blanket in the back if you want it."

Graham dropped his eyes to my clothes for a second. "Not if you need it."

Though much taller and broader, he was still the same sweet friend. My gut lurched when I remembered he had to leave soon. I glanced at him and tried to push away that thought.

Not watching where I put my feet, I stepped into a sizable rut and lost my balance. Falling in his direction, Graham caught me. Because of how close we were, his hands wrapped around my waist, and my head landed on his chest.

A shiver when up my spine, having nothing to do with the cold. His warm breath tickled my hair line.

"You okay?" he said.

I'd never had a guy this close to me before. Why was he holding me? Why was I leaning into him? I blinked rapidly.

"Ella, are you okay?" he whispered.

"I..." Why did he make it so hard to think? "I think I twisted my ankle."

He shifted behind me. Did he want me to move? I should've already.

Before I could take a step, Graham put his arm under my knees and lifted me off the ground. "Which way's your car?"

I rested my head on his shoulder. All of a sudden I remembered why I didn't stay up until two in the morning. I took a deep breath and tried to make my brain concentrate. "Take a right after the brick building."

He turned his head, his cheek touching my temple for a fleeting moment. Slightly scratchy, I knew I'd never forget the feeling.

Somehow, Graham treaded through the snow without a ton of movement. The rhythm of his arms swaying back and forth nearly put me to sleep. All too soon we were at my car. I tried not to whimper as Graham put me down.

He steadied my wobbly body and opened the drivers side door for me. I smiled at him and grabbed the car for support. I turned to get in when...

He kissed my cheek.

My eyes went wide and I stared at his back as he went to the other side of the vehicle without a word.

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