A New Life..

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*2 years later*

Starting the first day in school was a rather nervous time for me after I sorta skipped the last one but they didn't really care.. seeing all these different creatures and people walking around mostly peacefully together was quite a shock but I'm happy about this..

Hardly anyone believed our story but who cares? The people who do know are the ones that really matter to us.. finally we can live in peace without risk of being attacked by Raven..


First day in school.. I've been hired as a guard to stop anything that shouldn't happen while I'm out of class.. then suddenly I turn around only to see this Half demon half human hybrid running up to me.. only shouting "you!" Before punching me.. he then realised why he should never do that with hand nearly breaking.. I then punched him in the gut sending him flying back.. I didn't do anymore except take him to the nurse.. he's fine but still making sure he'll recover quickly enough.. little fool trying to attack someone far stronger... oh well what a fun event on my first day.. of course I'm being sarcastic.. what have I done to this little thing? At least he didn't damage the egg.. I didn't have it on me at the time.. Kynthia would not be happy if it broke early and no by hatching.. she would not be happy at all...

Wow.. that Demon went flying.. wonder who did that.. probably a guard they are usually much stronger then most students here.. still I laughed then asked him if he's ok but he just smailed and didn't say anything to me.. as if he knows something about me that I didn't tell him... I feel like me and him are going to be some kind of rival or something I don't know.. I just have this feeling that'll happen.. could be wrong.. could just be thinking random stuff but oh well.. time to head home for the day I guess.. probably doesn't know I'm a shapeshifters.. or Living Illusion that some people like to call me for some reason..

*To be continued in a future book*

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