Mark of the Raven part 1

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*2 distant voices in the dark*

Have you heard? Rumour has it that a shapeshifter has been spying on some group on a mountain somewhere.. most are saying they work for the group and are actually spying on others for them..

As much as that sounds dumb Shapeshifters are crafty creatures.. it wouldn't surprise me as they could be anything around us..

You're right.. we better head somewhere safe in case they hear us wouldn't want that group tracking down our village after the last one they "visited" there was nothing left after the fires..

*Karen thinking* hmm.. a group burning down a village? I remember that Hybrid said something similar to that... maybe I can hunt this group down....

*Heavy rain starts* Damn.. I can't be out here for long and I'm miles from home... I better make a run for it.. it was very hard to see in this.. the night time fog reminds me alot of those smoke clouds... I kept running across the marsh only to stop at the sight of a rumoured abandoned house.. walls were gray and blue as the paint was all washed out.. I have to wonder if this place is truely abandoned.. I would rather not find out.. this place is creepy....

I then continued running only to see someone in the distance climbing the white frozen mountain in the distance I don't know how I could see them through the fog though it's like the fog was gone while near the mountain but was everywhere else.. I respect their courage but wondered why they are climbing the giant icy hills towards the village atop of it.. maybe it's some kind of stunt or something..

As I made it back to my home I couldn't see a thing.. my home doesn't exactly have any lighting and my torch ran out of battery.. but I knew the layout well enough so continued but suddenly froze.. not from fear but rather I just suddenly couldn't move..

Then all I saw was a glowing symbol of a raven before my form was suddenly forced to change.. I became a weird mutation of creatures I never even thought possible... then.... nothing.. I just completely blacked out.. woke up the next morning still in my mutated form laying by a katana covered in blood and seeing myself covered in blood and ash... what happened? Was something controlling me? I would never kill anyone if that is what happened.....

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