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Still climbing this mountain.. the challenges seemed fairly simple so far but I know they'll get harder as I go through them..

As I approached challenge 5.. I heard footsteps nearby.. I looked around and saw a strange portal open in front of the door with a humanoid dragon like creature stepping out of it..

"Been a long time since I've seen another challenger here" he said.. "my name is Dusk. I couldn't complete the next challenge alone so I waited in hope someone would show up"

Dusk was a very tall creature I'd never seen his kind of species before.. he was almost completely Black the only exception being a Cyan underbelly.. I assume you'd still use that word to describe it since that's normal what you'd call it on a dragon.. I don't know anyway I decided to talk to him..

"So Dusk.. you need my help to beat the challenge? How can I trust you?"

"I've been cursed.. I'll die if I every lie to anyone.. that's probably hard to believe but I can sense you're not a human.. you'd know that kind of thing exists.."

"Alright I'll take your word for it.. so what exactly is challenge 5?"

"I'm not too sure.. all I know is my powers were not working.. normally I can open portals to other dimensions and raise the dead but.. in there my undead power just turned into a healing power of sorts.. I do not understand it"

"Maybe it removes or swaps someones normal power? Or reverses elements or something?"

"I don't have any sort of elemental ability but fire became water when  my raised minions entered the building.."

"Let's just head inside and see what happens"


Upon entering I felt the rooms strange air changing me.. I couldn't change form but didn't know what power I got instead.. guess the challenge is simply.. figure out your new power and use it to escape..

"Hey Dusk.. I think the puzzle is using new powers to escape"

"I don't know.. my healing power wouldn't do anything no matter where I used it"

"Yes I know.. but everyone has two powers not one if we can figure out the correct power we should be able to open the door"

"Well.. test different techniques.. something must work"

After hours of testing.. I eventually realised I had the power of Water and Darkness.. combining them opened the door slightly.. but Dusk couldn't figure his one out..

"You can go on ahead.. I'll figure it out in time"

"No I'll wait for you.."

After many hours he figured out he had the power to use Earth.. figuring out new powers is very difficult for most..

"That took a while for a seemingly simple task didn't it Dusk?"

"Yeah.. but we're out of there now at least by the way you never told me your name shapeshifter..."

"Oh sorry.. my name is Karen"

"Ah the Fire Lotus.. if I remember.. so why are you climbing the mountain?"

"I plan to gain full control of my power to avenge those the Raven mind controlled me into killing"

"The Raven? I've heard of them.. hybrid hunters or something? What good is hunting hybrids anyway? I hear they burned down an entire village of hybrids and that there's only one other hybrid left wonder if I will ever find them I can hope..  hybrids only get hostile because they are treated so damn poorly.. believe me I am a hybrid.. the Raven probably wants me dead too.."

"Well I'm going to put a stop to their cruelty.. then creatures like you can live in peace Dusk.."

"I'm thankful you care for me.. most hate the hybrids but you don't.. I will gladly assist you on your journey Karen.. we'll fight until the end!
Anyway.. challenge 6 is quite a walk away.. but I suggest we keep going.. won't get far resting after every trial"

"True.. let's keep going I fear the Raven will learn of what we're doing soon..

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