False Hopes..

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How far away is the next challenge Dusk?

I don't know but.... *starts looking around*

Is something wrong Dusk?

I hear a call... someone needs my help.. I will be back *Teleports away*

Dusk wait... damn.. guess I'm continuing alone until he gets back...

*in the town of starfall*
Is someone there? This is Dusk.. I heard a call for help...
I must say I feel sorry for the people here.. starving and having steal food to survive... it's so unfair.. I will bring food to this town to feed the people... but for now I'm too busy.. I'm sad to say..

*Distant voices* over here Dusk!

*Looking around* I can't see you anywhere.. where are you..

In the village centre..

I'm on my way..

When I arrived at the village centre I couldn't see anyone still.. I felt I was too late.. then as I was about to teleport back to Karen I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck.. then everything was going dark.. I could see 2 creatures walking towards me.. a Bat like one and another Humanoid Dragon.. she looked familiar to me but I couldn't move or speak.. only watch as they approached.... before completely blacking out..

I woke up in some kind of cage.. my powers were completely gone at the time..

Just relax Dusk.. we're not going to hurt you.. we just want some answers... that we know you wouldn't give us any other way.. the Dragon said..

Who.. Who are you two? What do you want with me?

You're only 12 years old Dusk you should remember who I am.. while this Bat will be new to you.. he can't talk though...

I recognise your voice but can't quite remember who you are.. would help if I could see.. whatever forced the black out blinded me.. at least for now..

It's me.. Kynthia.. your partner.. that you thought had died?

Wait.. You're still alive? I thought you died in the accident..

No.. I survived but mutated into this form... after I heard you fought the Raven leader I knew you'd changed form as well after all our families were both born with dragon blood so hearing of another dragon just like me made me think it was you.. good to know I was right...

Well it's good to know you're ok after 5 years.. I thought you were gone forever...

No.. but I have to tell you that some of your hopes are false.. You're being fooled by the Raven into killing yourself for them... there is no resurrecting all hybrids... those were just all False Hopes I'm sad to tell you..

What?! But... the gods.. they told me..

The gods didn't tell you anything.. the Raven are using abilities to put voices in your head and are blocking out the real voices the gods and souls of the dead speak to you..

So that's it then?! I'll never revive the whole species now?

Sorry.. I'm afraid when you had your heart replaced with the metal one.. whenever that was.. you forfeit your chances of ever bringing the species back through your power..

At that moment.. I felt myself unable to hold back my emotion and simply burst into tears.. Kynthia kept trying to tell me everything will be ok.. but I was too upset to listen to her words.. I decided to simply cry myself to sleep.. maybe things will one day go my way.. but for now.. I remain with only False Hopes..

*Next Morning*
Are you ok now Dusk? It's ok.. I never asked you the questions I intended.. but they don't matter now.. come with me.. I'll take you somewhere to cheer you up and tell you the way our combined effort can over time save the hybrids... without needing either of us to die..

But.. Kynthia.... most of the hybrids can only be resurrected by a guardian.. You're not a guardian.. I have to do this alone.. I'm sorry..

No Dusk.. I have learned something about this.. something the Raven hid in their own base.. something they hoped you would never learn or understand..

Ok tell me what you found.. please I must know!

Not here Dusk.. can't risk being heard..

But..... well... ok then.. how did you find this?

My friend over there is a spy pretending to work with the Raven group.. no he hasn't killed any hybrids he's a medical worker so.. no killing involved... although he has had a few "failed" operation in his time.. *quiet laughs*

Clever.. I knew you were always a bright one.. let's go then I'm extremely eager to know what you two have learned..

Just let me get a few things ready first.. I have a way for us both to disguise as Humans to avoid risk of being spotted by the Raven group.. our friend here will continue learning more about them..

Well great to know that disguises are possible even for creatures like us.. and good job for finding information on them I'll be sure to give you something as thanks when I can..

*Bat creature nods and smiles in response*

So how do the disguises work?

They will only change your appearance completely to look like a Human.. but wear this mask as well in case you get angry.. it'll make your powers harder to use so no accidentally breaking your disguise..

Ah.. yeah.. I have been a bit clumsy with my powers in the past haven't I? Well.. after I.... accidentally killed my.. brother I have been alot more careful with my powers.... I still miss him to this day though.... I'm still sorry brother..

Hey don't be upset.. you couldn't control them back then.. I'm sure your brother would be proud of you now Dusk.. with all you're doing for the better of others.. it's hard not to respect what you do..

You really think that Kynthia?

Of course I do.. not many creatures are brave enough to defy the Raven and learn to use the powers of Necromancy and Portals heroically and not for pure evil.. you'd be surprised how rare it is..

Thank you Kynthia.. you always know how to make me feel better.. so you ready to go?

Yep.. let's go..

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