Walk By Fear..

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As I woke up in the morning.. I still felt very weak from the new heart.. when I find the group responsible for this I will not hesitate to rip them all apart and make their families watch.. show them the mistakes that are a part of them...

Anyway.. the second challenge seems to be open now maybe it's only open during the day or something.. I walked into the stone building not knowing what to expect.. only to see a huge empty room.. this place looks bigger on the inside then outside.. I don't like the look of this room.. I continued forward..

As I approached the center I could hear rapid light foot steps.. I froze for a second to look around but saw nothing.. so I continued onward the exit always seems the same distance away.. and so does the entrance at this point..

I'm sure I keep seeing people and creatures in the side of my view but when I look they're gone.. this place is so creepy.... I can't turn back but how do I reach the end? I feel like I'm not moving at all.. maybe I need to find something first..

Eventually the fear started getting to me.. so I began running hoping to see a switch or something.. but no luck.. the exit still getting no closer but I just can't turn back now.. I've already come too far..

After hours of searching the fear became too much so I ran back towards the enterence.. but I still felt like I wasn't going anywhere.... and then I began to bleed.. I knew panicking or getting stressed would do this.. I need to get out of here now.. this new heart really makes things difficult...

Then I began seeing ghosts of my dead family.. I couldn't stand this.. I decided to just walk forward without opening my eyes.. that actually worked.. I was at the exit.. while that sounds really simple think of how you would react to hearing sounds in a big empty dark room..

I was extremely happy to see the outside world again but how long was I in there? It's sunset now.. while I hated the way here.. the view is beautiful.. I can see the city in the distance creating large shadows over the amber coloured lands.. it seems like a nice place to rest while I clear the blood off myself..

Alright it's now near mid night.. I think I'm ready for challenge 3.. when I walked in I immediately saw a huge pit of spikes.. someone had triggered this trap very recently.. or not.. I saw something seemingly floating above it.. or this pit isn't really there.. as I approached it.. it disappeared completely... this trial is about illusion clearly.. again trying to scare me... I know to keep calm and just use my ability to create objects to see where traps are hidden.. simple enough.. at least I thought.. I can't see any exit anywhere.. only 4 different coloured walls.. I guess I need to search until I get close enough to the door for it to appear without falling into any traps..

I now see a door but when I tried to open it.. a spear went through my stomach.. I don't know how much more pain I can take.... although that door did lead to the way out the pain was.. very bad for me... so.. I should clean the wound and rest until morning.. too weak to continue

I will complete these challenges.. I will avenge those the Raven made me kill...

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