Me: is something wrong?

The girl nodded again. She still had her head on her hands.

Rm: could we help you with anything?

Girl: ehm no probably not.

Rm: well ehm can you tell us what's wrong?

She lifted her head. I saw she was a bit shocked.

Girl: wait you are bts what are you doing here.

Me: we're going to get some food.

Rm: yeah we arrived one day early so we could go shopping and have a bit of rest before we should practice. But are you alright you sounded really sad.

Girl: yeah, but it's quite stupid.

Me: you can tell us.

Girl: okay, well I really wanted to go to your concert I had saved for months. My mom had told me if I helped in the house and sometimes could cook or buy some food I could go. But when I wanted to buy the tickets all my money was gone. I asked my mom and she told me she was really sorry but she really needed it. I was really mad so I stayed at my dad's house for a while but I couldn't stay there anymore. That's when I decided to go to Amsterdam I have a few friends here where I could stay at. But..
Omg I have been rambling I'm so sorry.

Rm: no it's okay. Tae did you follow.

Me: yeah I did a little bit. Can you translate a bit though rapmon.

Rapmonster repeated what I said in korean.

Rm: okay go on. I told him what he needed to know.

Girl: well I could stay at one of my friends house but now I've been there for about 4 weeks I can't stay there anymore so now I have no place to go.

Rm: oh. Ehm wait a minute okay I'll be right back.

Me: (in korean) were are you going.

Rm: (in korean) just wait for a minute and stay here with the girl, try to comfort her a bit or something.

I kneeled down next to the girl while rapmon ran to the group. I heard the girl sniffeling a little bit.

Me: hey, do you want a tissue.

Girl: ehm yeah thanks.

Me: no problem. Sorry.

Girl: about what.

Me: my English.

Girl: no it's good.

after a wile rapmon came back.

Rm: well girl I just asked our security and they said that if you wanted to you could have dinner with us.

Girl: well i'd love that but I don't have any money.

Rm: no that's okay don't worry.

Rapmon quickly smiled a little bit at me and winked at me.

Girl: yeah okay I'd love that.

Rm: well let's go

The girl looked at me again. And in that moment rapmon grabbed her hand. I saw she was looking quite awkward so I touched his shoulder and gave him a sign he should let go. After a few moments she suddenly grabbed my hand. And she looked at me as if she was asking if it was okay. I nodded yes and held her hand back. Jungkook stopped walking for a second and wispers in my ear.

Jk: wow you handled that great she's even holding your hand lucky you.

Me: jungkook stop it's not funny okay I'm just trying to make her feel better.

Jk: of course your not enjoying this.

Me: really stop. I'm not.

Jk: So you don't like the girl. Not even a little bit.

"When he said that I noticed that I started to blush a little bit."

Me: no I don't. I don't even know her. So just let her be, okay.

Jk: okay calm down. I think she's cute it's not weird to say that.

Me: go walk with jimin again please leave us alone you're not helping anyone with this.

Jk: okay calm down. I'm going were almost there anyway but because of this.... because you needed to help a random girl on the side of the street we're so much later. We could have been 30 min earlier. Seriously we don't have that much time to go shopping anymore

I ignored him. But he was right we were almost there it was a pizza restaurant.

Me: do you like pizza.

Girl: yeah it's one of my favorite foods.

Me: mine too. Well let's go inside and eat im so hungry.

Girl: yeah me too. Still thank you for cheering me up.

Me: it's fine. Im glad i could make you happy

Girl:yeah you did.

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