Sherlock stamped off to his bedroom and slammed his door at the same time that I slammed the front door, both of us leaving Mycroft on his own. While my twin brooded in his flat, I decided to give myself a tour of London. The sky was a dreary grey and past rain had formed puddles in the crevices of the sidewalk. It was nothing like America. In America, or at least where I had been, it had been beautiful and sunny almost every day. The bright, blue skies were usually there to create a good mood unlike the constant dreariness of England. England had it’s days where there was pretty good weather, but it never lasted long.

Eventually, I found myself sitting in a little pub on my own. The only other people in there were the bartender and a couple of men chatting in the far corner. I sat at a small, red table in the back of the room. The pub was poorly lit and the bad weather outside and dark furniture didn’t help either. I watched as the rain began to pour down in sheets and obstruct the view while more people began to fill the empty room to avoid the cold, but I didn’t realize there was a familiar face in the mix until he took a seat across from me.

“I didn’t take you for the kind of girl to be in a joint like this,” Lestrade said with a small smile.

“I’m chock full of surprises. I guess it’s a Holmes trait,” I muttered as I took a sip from my pint.

“I guess so.” He lifted his pint to his thin lips and I tried not to watch him. His skin was fairly tanned as if he had recently come back from holiday and his silvery hair still had some water in it. He seemed much more masculine than Jim, and for some reason I found myself oddly attracted to that. I tried to shake the thoughts, but they still lingered as we spoke.

“Change your mind yet?” he asked and I raised an eyebrow until I realized what he was talking about.

“Nope, and I’m not going to. He’s really not a man you would want to cross paths with. I know you’re highly capable of defending yourself, but I’d much rather not get you involved. I couldn’t live with myself if I did.” I looked away from his stern gaze, subconsciously tapping on my cast.

“If it wasn’t for the looks and intelligence, I would second guess your relation to Sherlock and Mycroft. You actually care about the well being of others.”

“I wouldn’t quite say that; I don’t care about others. Never have and never will. I’m worst than Sherlock in that case. The quicker you realize that, and the quicker I remember that, the better off we’ll both be.” I started to leave, but Lestrade grabbed my good wrist and I stopped to look back at him. “Lestrade-”

“Greg. Stop lying to yourself. If you didn’t care, then you would tell me who your ex is so I could arrest him for that.” He pointed to my cast and I looked down. “Try telling me you don’t care and actually mean it this time.”

“I’m sorry Greg, but I have to go…” I pulled away from him and off into the pouring rain I went.

“Jayden, wait!” I didn’t get too far down the sidewalk before his gruff voice called my name. I turned to watch him as he made his way toward me. The rain permeated our clothes, soaking every inch of us, but neither of us seemed to care. “Look, I’m not trying to harass you over this whole deal; it’s your freedom to do as you see fit. I just really worry because ...when I was growing up I had to watch my dad abuse my mum every day. She could never bring herself to leave him and he killed her before I was ever able to get on the force. I don’t want to see you in that position.”

It was then that I realized just how much he truly cared.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, I truly am, but I’m okay. I’m safe now. Sherlock got me out before I was totally trapped.” I smiled slightly. The rain had begun to turn into a soft drizzle and I looked up to the sky. “Speaking of Sherlock, I need to get home.

“Let me get you a cab,” he offered, but I shook my head.

“Thank you, but I prefer to walk. I’m already wet as it is; I don’t think it will bother me to walk a few blocks in the rain.”

“Then let me walk with you. It’s getting late and I’d rather not leave you alone on the streets.”

And with that, the two of us walked to 221B together. We had only been walking for a few minutes when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I sighed quietly as I read it.

‘My,my, my. We’re getting a little too cozy, aren’t we? -Jim Moriatyx’

A/N: First, since she gave me a shout out- Go Read Charmed by just-being-julie! It's a wonderful story!

And Second, sorry this one's so short and underdeveloped. I have plans for bigger things and, as much as I hate to admit it, this was just kind of a filler to start a relationship between her and Greg. Trust me, a lot better stuff is coming soon. Comment below to let me know your wonderful thoughts and opinions.

The Mystery of Jayden Holmes (A Greg Lestrade fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now