Chapter Four

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I rolled out of bed the next morning and looked at my phone, realizing that Moriarty was never going to go away. I shivered when my feet touched the smooth hardwood floor. I quietly slipped into the bathroom and spent no time at all doing my morning routine. I got dressed in a fitted, red t-shirt and black yoga pants. I planned on sticking around the flat for a quiet day, or at least that’s what I wanted to do. I made my way to the living room, but stopped in the doorway between the hall and the kitchen when I saw John and Sherlock talking over coffee.

“Good morning, boys.” I smiled. John glanced up and was about to say something when a small, blonde haired woman walked in. She was about my height with a round face and light blue eyes. Something about those eyes seemed familiar though, but I just couldn’t quite place it. It seemed like she was experiencing the same kind of déjà vu based on the way she was staring intently at me.

“John, who’s this?” she questioned as John pulled her close. This had to be his wife I had heard very little about, but why would she look familiar? But then it dawned on me.

“This is Jayden, Sherlock’s sister I was telling you about. Jayden, this is my wife, Mary,” John introduced us and we both forced smiles at each other. John would never notice, but it was child’s play for my brother.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said, but walked away before she could reply. I fell onto the couch and smirked a bit when she took a seat across from me. “So, you do remember me.”

“Of course I do, how could I not?” She smiled bitterly and I chuckled. “So you really are back in London. I didn’t believe it when I first heard it, but it doesn’t surprise me.

“The only assassin to ever get close. All those others were just amateurs, but you,” I guffawed, “You were by far the best.”

“Being the best doesn’t matter if I wasn’t able to kill you,” she hissed.

“One thing about an assassin: the never miss on accident. So what really happened, Mary?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“By the way, congrats on the marriage. How’s it feel being pregnant and having a baby to weigh you down now?” I smirked slightly as I spoke. I would never touch a pregnant woman, but as long as she feared I would we were good.

“Don’t you dare mess with my family. Mess with us and next time I promise I won’t miss. I still don’t trust you. I don’t care if Sherlock does, but I never will,” she said dangerously.

“It’s funny how you think any of them trust me. But I have turned over a new leaf, honest.” I held up my hands defensively. “Things went sour with Jim and Sherlock saved me. Not everything is better with no rules. Besides, I’m not the same Jayden I once was, and obviously there is no Amanda anymore.”

“Who’s Amanda?” John asked as he and my brother walked in. Mary quickly stood up and went to John’s side as I spoke.

“Just a mutual friend we found out that we have. It’s funny how we live in such a small world, huh Mary?” I looked up at her with a smile.

“Yeah, it is. Now, let’s be off, John. We wouldn’t want to be late for my doctor’s appointment.” She pulled John away without so much as a goodbye.

“Well that was a little rude,” I said as I reached for the remote.

“Amanda,” Sherlock said suddenly after a moment of silence. “The first A in A.G.R.A.”

“I’m glad you picked up on that. Amanda Grace Rachel Adams, The assassin who almost killed Ms. Jayden Holmes. Funny how now she’s married with a kid on the way. Does John know? Oh, of course he knows, silly me. Speaking of silly me, I forgot to show you something.” I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and flipped to my messages from Jim. “He sent me a text last night when I was walking with Greg.”

The Mystery of Jayden Holmes (A Greg Lestrade fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora