Chapter 10

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"You look really pretty Clary." Adam said. I blushed.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I replied. We parked and walked into the dance together.

It was a lot of fun, for once they're wasn't any drama. Adam dropped me off at home and I went straight to bed.

I slept in late. I woke up and got ready as usual. I decided to take Bellamy and Clarke to the park. We went to my car and drove to the park.

I sat on a park bench while Bellamy pushed Clarke on the swings.

"I ship them" I thought to myself. An older woman sat down next to me and stared at me.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" I asked her.

"N..No. You've grown up." She said. She stood up and walked away quickly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Has she been stalking me?" I asked myself. Bellamy and Clarke finished playing at the park and we went home. We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and hanging out together.

I woke up and got ready for school.

"Morning Cassie." I said. Bellamy and Clarke were sitting by some other kids. I smiled.

Bellamy seemed to be getting better since he came here and it had only been a week.

I grabbed my backpack and keys and walked to my car. I got in and drove to school. I walked into the school and everyone was gossiping. I saw Veronica and Mackenzie at their lockers. I went to my locker and Adam came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey babe." He said.

"Hey." I replied with a smile. Everything in my life was going great.

~~~~2 months later~~~~

It was almost winter break. I was so excited. Me and Adam had been dating for 3 months now and things were great. Ethan asked Arabella out after homecoming, she said yes. They were cute together. Mackenzie has stayed out of my way since that day before homecoming. Jace and Veronica never went further than homecoming, however Jace started dating this girl, her name was Diana. She was nice. Veronica and Josh actually got together. Arabella said her and Josh were still close but they weren't. They completely stopped seeing each other.

It was the last day before Winter break. I walked through the halls. Everyone was wearing Santa hats and christmas-y stuff. I was just wearing green skinny jeans, a white tank top with a red cardigan. I figured I'd be a little christmas-y.

"Hey babe." Adam said.

"Hey." I replied.

"So tonight do you want to go out or stay in?" Adam asked

"Let's stay in and watch christmas movies." I said with a smile.

"I'll be at your place at 7." Adam said. I smiled. He pecked my cheek and walked to his class. We hadn't had our first kiss yet.

I went through the rest of the day bored. I got lots of assignments to do over break. I went back to Cassie's and started my homework. It was 7:00 and Cassie called me.

"Adam's here." She called. I quickly packed up my homework and ran to the door. He stood there with popcorn and M&M's. I smiled and led him to my room. We set up the snacks. I left my pencil on my bed. Adam picked it up and said,

"Nerd." I laughed. We started watching the Grinch. Honestly the live movie one creeps me out. It was late at night. Adam had fallen asleep. I got his phone and texted his mom saying he was staying at my place. I turned off the tv and lights and went to bed.

We woke up in each other. Adam had one arm over my shoulder and we were both sleeping on the same side.

"Morning." I said. I pecked his cheek. He smile but didn't open his eyes.

"5 more minutes please." He whined.

"Nope. I gotta go christmas shopping with Bellamy and Clarke." I said.

"Fine. But I want to come too." He said.

"Well then get up." I said laughing. We got ready and took Bellamy and Clarke to the mall.

"Guess what Clary!" Clarke said excitedly.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm getting adopted!" Clarke said excitedly.

"Really that's amazing!" I said.

"There last name is Griffin. I'm going to be Clarke Griffin!" She added. I looked over at Bellamy.

He was happy for her but sad she was leaving.

"Don't worry Bell, I'm going to see you at school and I'll visit all the time." Clarke reassured.

Adam and Bellamy went to get gifts for me and Clarke while we went to get gifts for Bellamy and Adam.

Clarke got Bellamy a new action figure and had her name engraved into it. I got Adam a new football. He always complained his was falling apart and I know its cliche but I also know he'll like it. We met up and hour later and spent the rest of the day together. Eventually Adam left and Clarke went to her room to pack.

The next morning, the Griffin family came and picked up Clarke. I saw Bellamy and Clark hug each other and they both said, "May we meet again." before Clarke walked off with her new family. Bellamy ran to me and hugged my waist. I held onto him. We stood there until the car Clarke got into drove away.

It was Christmas Eve. We were all eating a nice dinner when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said and went to get the door.

I opened the door and there stood the lady from a few months ago.

"Hi I was looki—" She started but stopped when she saw me at the door and not Cassie. I just stood there shocked.

Authors note
Hi! Sorry this chapter was short.

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