Chapter 6

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Veronica smirked at me.

"Mackenzie's really good at revenge." Veronica said.

"What the hell do you mean?!" I said, anger boiling inside me.

They stepped aside and my locker had some writing on it in some weird, red, liquid. It said

"Go to hell you slut"

"You bitch!!" I shouted to them. I walked up to Veronica and slapped her, the sam rest Kai slaps me. I turned to Mackenzie and said, "You're a bitch, a painted whore." I was ready to slap her too when a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me away.

"Stop!! Let me go!!!" I shouted. The person dragged me around the corner to an empty hallway. I got out of his grip and started running down the hallway again. He grabbed me and pushed me into a wall. I looked up and saw Adam looking intensely.

"Do not give gem what they want." He said flatly.

"No!! They're bitches!!" I screamed.

"You don't need them to mess up your life." He said sternly.

I shrugged him off and stomped away. I was going down the hallway when I heard Principal Betsy call my name.

"Clarissa Isabella Morgenstern! My office!! Now!" She shouted. I sighed and followed her. I walked in and saw Veronica and Mackenzie were sitting in the office as well. I smiled when I saw Veronica with an ice pack to her cheek.

"You girls know better than to fight in the hallways." Betsy said.

"Not my fault Clary's a slut." Veronica said.

"That's enough! All three of you have a week of suspension." Betsy said angrily.

We nodded and walked out. I wasn't mad that I was suspended I was mad that Veronica stabbed me in the back. All three of us walked down the hallway, everyone was watching. I came up to my locker and got all my things to study and do homework and went to all my classes to get my assignments.

I was leaving the school when I heard Adam calling me.

"So I'll pick you up at 6!" He shouted. I turned around and smiled.

"Okay I'll be waiting." I said. He smiled and went back to the school. I was walking down the sidewalk, just outside of the school when I heard a set of footsteps come up behind me. It was Arabella.

"Hey I heard what happened, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine just glad I gave Veronica a red mark." I said.

"You know no body thinks you're a slut right?" She asked.

"Yeah I know. They're just dumb bitches." I replied with gritted teeth.

"I can always come over after school and help you with your school work if you don't get it." Arabella suggested.

"Thank I'd really like that." I said. We kept walking. Since she decided to skip school today she was gonna spend the rest of the day with me. We stopped by my place and dropped my school stuff and went to the mall.

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