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Knowledge sat at his brothers bedside going in and out of sleep. He hoped and prayed that his brother would wake up but a piece of him was starting to doubt it. He looked so bad with all the bandages and tubes in his body. It was heart breaking. And to make matters worse, the first person he thought could be behind it all, was Cyrus; the same mother fucker who killed Stacy's dad.

Cyrus was a well known Cartel Boss with a reputation that he lived up to. Once he arrived to a city, he would spread like disease, killing innocent people just to gain the fear and respect from those who lived there so he would have the opportunity to make more money. Even befriending the police and FBI was something he did very well. In other words, he was a BIG PROBLEM!

There could only be one reason why his fathers home was invaded; word on the street was that Cyrus was on a mission to seize control over every local drug lord in, California, Florida, Miami, Chicago, Atlanta and maybe more. But if he thought he would take over the King Cartel territory, he was wrong.

For now Cyrus was the least of his worries. Vicky had just arrived at the hospital and he knew she would blame him for Tahj being shot.

"Tahj! My baby!"
Just like he expected, Vicky came crashing into the room, tumbling over her feet and almost falling into Knowledge.

"Ma, relax he's fine." He told her

"Don't tell me to relax! My son has been shot and if you wasn't laid up with that Bitch you could have saved him!"

Knowledge stood up and towered over her. "I did save him! How the fuck do you think he got here? The second he called me I came to his rescue so don't you dare say that shit to me!"

Vicky waved a hand at him implying that the conversation was over. Realizing he had just raised his voice at his mother, he calmed down and sat in the chair.

"He's fine ma," he continued. "Doctors said he'll wake up we just don't know when."

"He's in a coma!"

"No, but they had to perform emergency surgery so he'll be out of it for a while."

Just then Amber walked in. She raced pass Knowledge and wrapped her arms around Tahj while crying hysterically

"Be careful sis, he's still fragile." He said

With tears in her eyes, she looked up at him and fell into his arms. "I'm so sorry Kai, I didn't see you there."

"It's ok. The doctors said he'll survive but he's heavily sedated so he'll be asleep for a few days maybe. We can't really put a time on it."

Amber grabbed a few tissues from the box on the dresser and pulled up a chair next to Knowledge.

Vicky stood at the window watching pedestrians go along. "I have a surprise coming." She said

"Surprise?" They answered simultaneously

Vicky turned to them with a smile on her face. Whatever it was, she was happy about it. Knowledge was nervous; anytime his mother smiled like that, she was always up to no good.

Amber had a puzzled look as if she wanted to ask but knowing Vicky, she thought it was best Not to ask.

The room door began to open and though they thought it was the nurse or the doctor, it was somebody they never expected.

"Hello?" Said the mystery person.

When Knowledge heard that voice, his eyes almost popped out his head.

It was Diamond, Knowledge's most recent ex-girlfriend and probably the most obsessed with him out of them all. She walked in smiling and going straight to Vicky for a big hug.

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