You looked at Carl and he gave you a death glance. You smirked at him as you walked over to him.

"Is there a problem you have with me?" you asked.

He give you another death glance.

"Yeah, you're Negan's daughter," Carl said.

That confused you. Why does you being Negan's daughter have anything to do with the death glances you was getting from Carl.

"Yeah, so?" you asked, raising your right eyebrow.

"So, you're just like him," Carl explained," You've killed people just like him."

That pissed you off. You was nothing like Negan. You have never kill anyone in your life. And you wasn't going to let someone who knows nothing about you act like they knew you just because of who your dad was. You pushed Carl into the tree behind him and put your machete on his neck.

"Listen here, just because Negan's my dad doesn't give you the right to judge me," you explained," You don't know me enough to think you know anything about me and what I have or haven't done."

Carl looked at you with a little less hate in his eye. You sighed.

"You know, maybe you should get to know someone before you judge them because quite frankly I was thinking we could be friends but then you decided to think you can open that pretty mouth of yours and say something stupid," you explained, pulling your machete away from his neck.

"Now I'm going to walk away and maybe, just maybe next time I come here, you'll watch what you say to me," you continued to explain.

Then you skipped over to Negan. He didn't look very happy. He didn't like how you would manhandled his men. You grinned at Negan.

"What's wrong, daddy?" you asked, blinking at him, innocently.

"You beat one of my men again," Negan yelled," You know that I don't like that and yet you keep doing it."

Negan was pissed off at you. You smirked at him.

"Well, maybe if your men won't such tools and learn to treat women with more respect and not taunt or harass them then they won't have their asses handed to them by a girl," you explained.

"Let's go," Negan said," Get in the truck."

You get in the truck and Negan whispered something into Rick's ear as he take Lucille back from Rick. You honked the honk.

"Let's go, dad," you yelled out the window.

You wanted to leave and go to sleep. It was a long day. And all you wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed. Today didn't start out great but after meeting Carl you can't stop grinning.

"What's got you so happy?" Negan asked.

You didn't know how he will react to you taking a liking to Carl. He didn't like your last boyfriend. Negan even killed your ex boyfriend for breaking with you and sleeping with another girl. So, you wasn't going to say anything right away about Carl and your starting feelings for him. You wanted it to be your secret for awhile.

"Nothing, it's just that was a good day," you said.

"Yeah, it always is for you when you're beating the crap out of my men," Negan replied.

"Well, maybe they shouldn't do things to piss me off," you said, laughing.

"Well, I guess someone has to keep my men in line if not me," Negan explained," But you're ground from coming with me to Alexandria for two weeks."

"That's so unfair," you yelled.

"It can be forthhere weeks instead if you like that," Negan said," I can't have you going unpunished from kicking my men's ass everyday."

"Daddy, please, I'll behave, don't stop me from going with you," you begged," Pleeeeeease, I want to make sure you don't die out here."

Negan pulled into the sanctuary and sighed. His hands tighten on the steering wheel and take deep breathe. He looked a little mad at you.

"Please, daddy, one week?" you asked.

Negan looked at you as you showed him your puppy dog look. It was made him give into your demands and begging.

"Fine, one week of behaving and not kicking my men's ass," Negan finally said," That also means everyone here."

"I promise I won't harm your stupid, pathetic men while I'm grounded for the week," you told him.

You and Negan went in. He went to probably fuck one of his wives. After you shower, you went to sleep. Dreams of you and Carl filled your head as you slept. Something about Carl that you liked. Maybe it was the whole forbidden love in the stories you read growing up that draws you to Carl. You wasn't for sure but you was going to find out after you was done being grounded.


Hope you guys like this imagine. Sorry it take so long to write this. I've been crazy busy lately and i have had writer's block. But comment and let me know what you think. Comment if you want a part 2 to this.

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