Chapter 25: Drunk Words Speaks Sober Thoughts

Start from the beginning

Chase: oh, well who wants burnt eggs?

Diamond: Aww shut up, it's your fault there burnt anyways

Nyesha: I always knew you guys would get together

Diamond: were not dating because he never actully asked me to be his girl, and he's not allowed to ask in till the second date

Nyesha: What a high maintenced woman

Diamond: I'm not perfect but i am worth it

Nyesha: I'll be back, i'm gonna go break the news to Dustin that were not going to school

Diamond: Why aren't we going?

Nyesha: It's 9:40

Diamond: Shit

Chase: Did the goody-two shoes Diamond swear?

Diamond: Were not even dating and your already having a bad influence on me

Chase: Well can this bad influence take you on a date this afternoon?

Diamond: Yah sure

Nyesha: OMG,WHEN AND WHERE (Molking Diamond)

Diamond: I feel kinda offened when you molk me

Chase: (Whispers in ear) If it helps you look hot when your offended

Diamond: shut up (Blushes)

Chase: Yoou look cute when you blush

Diamond: Two complements in one minute, is someone going soft on me?

Nyesha: Awwwe, Chasy going soft?

Chase: Pfft.... How could anyone think that someone with this six pack (Lift Up Shirt) could be going soft

Nyesha: (Rolls her eyes) Please, i've seen better

Diamond: What six pack, all i see is gut

And that's all i took for him to Attack me, he pushed me onto the couch then attack my weakest point. Tickling Me. I was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe when i looked to see if Nyesha would help, she wasn't there. My Sista For Life Ditched Me. He stopped tickiling me then leaned in for a kiss. Me being anxious grabbed his face and smashed his lips in to mine.

Nyesha's POV

Me feeling like I was disturbing the moment, left and went back to my place. Since Diamond lived like 2 blocks away, I jogged to her house. While I was jogging home I saw a basketball court, so obviously I went over to it. There was a bag of basketballs sitting on the bench, so I grabbed one and did some Pre-Game drills. I was taking a jump shot when some guy started watching me. I took the shot and it went in with ease, Swish.

Guy: Nice, shot

Me: Thanks and you are?

Guy: I'm Nathan, and you are?

Me: Nyesha, so you know a little about basketball?

Nathan: it's kinda hard not to when your uncle is Rob mcClanaghan

Me: No way

Nathan: yes way, now are we gonna continue talking or can I kick your ass in basketball

Me: Bring it on

Nathan: you really wanna verse me?

Me: Yah

Nathan: most people would be intimidated because my uncles a professional basketball trainer

Me: that's were you have me mistaken, I'm not most people

Nathan: do you have a timer on your phone

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