
18 3 0

So today in Physics class, the idiots tried to pick on me again.

Just the usual the usual,

-Kicking my desk
-Throwing others stuff on my desk and having them get mad at me
-Pathetic attempts at roasting me
-Throwing small objects at me

Now normally I just ignore them and doodle or read or whatever, but today they just realllllllly got on my nervous.

So my headphones were a gift from my sister.

"You have a terrible whisper." I said clearly, looking over at Romeo

"Shaddup and put your headphones on! What are they, Walmart brand?" He shot back, his pathetic attempt to be cool.

"What are you, knock off brand?" I replied with a raised brow and a smirk on my face.

That did it. The whole class erupted in laughter, teasing Romeo that I had "roasted" him.

Come on people -_- if you're gonna try and roast me, at least come up with a snappy comeback.

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