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Sometimes... It does feel like this.

Sometimes... Everyone expects you to be... Not you.

Sometimes... It's not allowed to be different.....
To be... Special...

Something... More...

Have you ever looked back and wondered why...?

Why people dislike you because you're different?

Why you're bullied because you don't fit in?
Have a creative mind?
Have crazy fun ideas?
Do something YOU enjoy?
Speak YOUR ideas?
Create things no other can?
Create something that you love?

Be yourself...

You stand up and say "I'm unique and I'm proud!"
But then... The inevitable happens...

The taunts
The harsh words
The truth about how awful you are
The verbal slaps, kicks, and punches

Life tell you no...

You try to fight back, you tell yourself that their opinions don't matter!

But slowly...
You crumble.

You slowly start believing the words they say.



And then you slowly crumble....
You eventually fold to the way others want you to be.
You become just another face in the crowd...

But inside....

You slowly start to die.

You start to want to die.

You know nothing you do will EVER be good enough.

So, you put on a mask.

You hide the truth from everyone.

Noone can see your pain.
Noone can see you are bleeding inside.
Noone is hurt because of you.

Noone can see the pain...

Because the one thing you're good at...

Is creating a false reality for them.

Is creating a false reality for them

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