Have you ever?

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Have you ever wondered how others would do without you?

Wondered if the world would be better without you?

Knew in your heart that you're useless?



Emotional all the time?

That dirt is better that you?

That deep down, you know that people just pity you?

That when people are mean, you deserve it?

You know that there's nothing you'll ever be good at?

But then, you look around. You look at your friends, your family, your schoolmates or workers

And you realize you're good at one thing.

Hiding who you truly are, what you truly feel.

You walk among people everyday.

Noone notices something is wrong.
Noone can see how broken you are.
Noone can see the shattered bits.
Noone can see you bleeding out everyday.


     And you smile, just the tiniest bit.

You finally understand why you're here. Why you're still breathing, still living.

And you whisper to yourself, a single phrase that pulls all your thoughts together.

"I am here to help those who can't help themselves."

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