Chapter 13

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(Caleb's POV)

I carelessly parked my car and ran inside my two story house. I walked into the kitchen, where I knew my mother and father would be. The presence of my grandmother mildly surprised me, yet it didn't deter me.

They were all talking and laughing while they sipped their coffee.

"Oh, Caleb I thought you had left." My mother said once she noticed me.

I didn't answer. Instead I pulled out a chair and sat seriously. Everyone looked at me curiously and surprised.

"What's wrong Caleb?" My mother asked.

I took a deep breath as I attempted to keep my racing heart down. If they confirmed my suspicions, then that means I'm not human and my whole life was a lie.

"Are werewolves real?" I asked lamely.

I silently chastised myself. Really, was that the best I could come up with? I had practiced on my way here. They all froze at the question.

Well, there's my answer.

"Why would you ask that dear?" My mother asked calmly, though I did notice she was a bit uncomfortable.

"Well Mac and Sean showed me this awesome movie, so I got curious," I shrugged.

Well that was a lame excuse, but apparently they believed it since they all let out a sigh of relief. My heart began to pound. I needed to hear it from them.

"So are they?"

"Well, of course not," my father said as he let out a chuckle, which I knew was a bit forced.

"Don't be silly, honey." My mom said as she forced a smile. "Of course they don't exist. They're just silly fantasies."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.  I stood up slowly. "That's funny, because I could have sworn I saw some a couple of days ago. " I said it deliberately casually.

My mother and grandmother gasped, while my father's eyes widened. They all exchanged nervous glances. I frowned knowing that they wouldn't come clean even now.

"And they called me a rogue." They all exchanged nervous glances, yet they remained silent.

I was getting sick and tired of their evasiveness. Would it kill them to tell me the truth? I have a right to know what I am, and if they won't tell me the easy way then I'll make them tell me the hard way.

"Honey, we don't know what-"

"Don't lie to me!" I snapped. "I was almost killed by werewolves, so don't you dare tell me that I imagined it."

My mother tried to take my hand, but I moved it away before she could touch it.

"Tell me, am I one of them?" My heart was thundering against my ribcage as they all gave each other meaningful glances.

This is it.

I'll finally hear it.

"Yes," surprisingly it was my grandmother that answered.

I stiffened. I had been expecting that answer, but it was still overwhelming to have it confirmed.

I covered my face with my hands as I kept hearing the 'yes' echoing in my head. A part of me always knew this, but I had refused to believe it. All my life I've been raised as a human, and now I realize that my whole life has been a lie. How could they keep this from me?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked angrily, trying to hide the hurt.

Does this mean I'm adopted? 

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