Chapter 3

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(Jade's POV)

I calmly went over some maps trying to find a clue as to Tyler's current location. Ever since Nicholas's death, Tyler has become the New Moon Pack's Alpha.

My need and desire for vengeance has been growing as time passes by. Therefore, I've dedicated my time to track him down and hunt him like the ruthless beast that he is.

I absentmindedly placed a thumb tack where Richard said Tyler was last spotted. That bastard's location is still a complete mystery.

It's been three years since my family's death, and I've been doing everything in my power to be a good alpha. With Geo and Richard's guidance, I've grown stronger, maybe not as strong as other alphas, but strong nonetheless. Training under both of them has been extremely taxing but also worth it.

Eight months after I took my position, an enemy pack under an Alpha named Liam waged war against me, probably assuming it would be an easy victory. The war lasted two years, and it forced me to grow up into a cunning and ruthless alpha.

I killed, I tortured, and I won.

It's been four months since my victory, and I'm still taking care of paperwork for Liam's pack, which now belongs to me. My pack has grown, and I have attained more lands and people. For now, I am trying to gain my new pack mates' trust and respect.

From what the pack has told me, Liam had never been a good alpha. He lived for war and always wanted more lands. Sure, attaining more land sounds like a good plan, but at what cost? I wouldn't attempt to expand if it meant getting pack members killed in the process.

Tyler, as much as I hate to admit it, is even more ruthless and cunning than Liam ever was. He hides his tracks easily, and it is extremely difficult to find him. Despite the hindrance of the war, I haven't forgotten about my vengeance. I will kill Tyler and Thomas.

I heard a knock on the door and looked up from the map to see Geo and Mason standing before me completely shirtless. It was nothing I hadn't seen before, so I wasn't surprised.

"We had trespassers in our territory," Mason said seriously.

"Rogues," I stated more than asked, and Mason nodded. Rogues were not uncommon, so the issue was hardly worth my time.

Mason continued.

"We found thr- no two humans," Mason shook his head. I smirked at his display of confusion.

"What's wrong?  Don't know how to count?" I mocked, but he said nothing. Once I noticed Geo's serious expression, I gave Mason my complete attention.

"It's just that the third one had an odd scent." Mason said looking completely disturbed. I raised an eyebrow, and he elaborated. "He almost smells like a pup." I turned to Geo for confirmation, and he nodded.

"His wolf scent is weak," Geo concurred seriously.

"Perhaps he's lived his entire life with humans," I reasoned.

"But his scent shouldn't diminish no matter how long he's lived with humans." I paused and contemplated this new information. "I decided to spare him and his companions. You should decide their fates." I nodded as I stood.

"Take me to this wolf," I ordered. Mason straightened and walked off towards the room that held our captives.

I silently opened the door and walked into the room. I immediately noticed that there were three males huddled together in a corner.

"Get up," I ordered curtly. The boys tripped over each other as they hastily obeyed. I watched in amusement when they looked fearfully at me then at Mason.

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