Chapter 58

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Ross POV-

*The next morning*

"Morning beautiful" I put my arm round Eliza and squeezed her

"Morning babe, what you got planned for today?" She rubbed her eyes and kissed my cheek

"Oh you know, very busy, swimming, sunbathing, very tiring work!" I laughed and we got out of bed. After we had showered and got dressed- well not dressed, bikini and swimshorts- we went down to the beach to have breakfast at the little cafe

"Morning sleepyheads!" Rydel saw us and called over

"What time do you call this?" Rocky tapped his watch and laughed

"Sorry guys we were tired!" I took Elizas hand an we walked up to the table on the deck

"Have you ordered yet?"

"No, we've eaten already, you missed it" Riker looked at me like he was telling me off, then a grin started to appear "No not really, we just got here! Jet lag!"

We all laughed then we ordered our food. The girls had fruit salad and the guys had eggs and bacon, but Liz took one of the rashers and ate it before i could stop her

"Thanks Ross" She giggled at me and winked

"Everyone finished?" Rydel gathered up all of the plates and put them at the end of the table.

"Erm, Lottie and I have an announcement to make" Ell stood up with a massive smile on his face

"Go on" Rocky said sarcastically

"Well, im just gonna say it" Ell took Lotties hand

"we're getting married!" They shouted with their hands linked in the air

"Oh my god guys! yay!" Rydel got up and smushed them into a hug and we all joined in

"When did this happen Ellington?" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Last night when we stayed on the beach til late!"

"Aww, so sweet, brings a tear to my eye" I said mocking the girls who had gone mental making Ell laugh

"To the sea!" All of a sudden Riker and Rocky ran straight past us, followed by the girls, laughing their heads off

"Come on mate!" I pulled Ell to the sea and started splashing him

*6 hours later*

"Ross hunny, come and put more suncream on my back!" She called over to me just as i got out of the sea. God all the girls were as brown as chocolate but i guess they had spent all of their time in the sun

"Okay if I must" She turned her head round to talk to Rydel who was next to her

"Aww look at you two, so cute!" She pouted at me so I squirted a blob of suncream onto her foot "Ross! Thats cold!" She started laughing

"Thanks hunny" I started to rub the suncream into her back then it turned into more of a massage

"I should be getting paid for this! I might start working at the spa!"

"You're actually quite good, carry on" Eliza whispered sleepily. Soon she had dozed of all together

"Tell her ive gone surfing, Rydel, when she wakes up"

"Sure" She replied as I ran off to the guys. I grabbed my board then before i knew it I was riding the waves

*the last night in Dubai*

"Thank you guys for the best honeymoon ever, it was great having you all here with us!" Eliza got up and rised her glass "Heres to a long future with my gorgeous husband"

"Cheers!" We chorused. We had just finished our last meal in Dubai and were finishing our drinks.

"Right, one last stroll along the beach?" I took liz's hand and we all got up and walked out to the beach. For the rest of the evening we paddled in the sea and walked across the sand, holding hands. Everyone went back to their rooms leaving me and Eliza on the beach on our own.

"I love you so much Ross" She sat down on the beach and I sat next to her with my arm around her shoulders.

"I love you more" I leaned in, we kissed and it was like nothing else mattered any more. I was sitting on a beach with the love of my life after the most amazing honeymoon with all of my best friends. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment for as long as I could because soon we would be leaving the most beautiful place in the world.

Do i know you too well? (An Ellington Lee Ratliff fic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now