Chapter 35

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Eliza POV

*6 weeks later*

"I cant believe we have four days left of this tour!" Ross came and sat on the couch and put his arm round me

"Yeah, its so strange thinking that we have just been around the world!" Eva replied

"I cant believe that our last stop is Dubai and we're there for a week!" I kissed Ross

"And I get to relax with the most beautiful girl in the world" He grinned at me

"So, that was an incredible show tonight! Beijing are crazy!" Riker was buzzing and Eva had tried to calm him down with beer....but of course that didnt work!

"Yeah, Dubai will be great!" Rocky said, ignoring Riker who had now fallen asleep.

We drove all night to the airport then checked in and got to the lounge. There was food and music and everyone just chilled for an hour before our flight. Ross kept checking to see if he still had something in his bag and when I asked him what was wrong he just said "Oh something for my mum". He hadnt let me touch that bag since Paris and I was a bit worried

"Flight 36, Dubai, now boarding, please make your way to gate 5" The intercom called out and we all stood up and made our way to the plane


"Oh my god its so hot!" Rocky stepped off the bus first making us all laugh

"Oh god it is as well!" I held Ross' hand and we walked down the stairs. Just then we were greeted by a few of their fans who had made posters and t-shirts. The boys and Rydel signed a few then we were ushered on. It was quite cool being famous but it would be nice to escape the rush after the tour. We checked into our hotel, Atlantis, then went up to our rooms which were all next to each other. Ross got in bed first then I joined him and fell asleep straight away.

Do i know you too well? (An Ellington Lee Ratliff fic) (complete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum