Chapter 24

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Eliza POV-

*2 days later*

"Oh my god this bus is huge!" I shouted at Ross who was at the other end

"You dont need to shout baby I can hear you fine!" He laughed walking over to me "everyone's here but Ell" He looked outside "We need a drummer"

I gave him a hug and I felt his heart racing "Oh hunny, you're getting too stressed out, calm down it'll be fine" I said.

"I guess, he's been so hooked up with Lottie its affected our rehearsals and our shows wont be as good as they could've been"

"Ross, dont say that, you guys are amazing" I held his hand and we went outside

"Hi Ross, we're here!" Ratliff came running up to the bus and gave me a hug

"Wait, WE'RE? who's we?" Ross stood between me and Ell, looking quite angry

"Yep, Lottie and I" He smiled at Ross then tried to get past but he wasn't having it. Now, Ross is not a violent guy and he wouldnt harm anybody but I dont think ive ever seen him this angry and there was quite a lot of him now considering he had been sneaking out to the gym. I was slightly worried.

"Can I speak to you Ell" He dragged him away leaving me with lottie.

*20 minutes later*

Ell came back with red eyes and Ross was close to tears himself.

"Come on Lottie. we're going, they can find another drummer for the tour because im out!" He shouted at all of us then put his arm round lottie and they began to walk away. Ross ran up and pulled ells arm "What!"

"You can't leave us man, we'll have to cancell the tour!"

"I said I'm not leaving her behind Ross!" He pulled away

"Why!" Ross shouted, making me run up and calm him down

"Because I love her Ross, I love her!" he tried to shout back but couldn't as his voice cracked

"I love you too Ell" Lottie smiled but then they walked away and got into his car. We watched them drive off then we all got into the tour bus.

"Give him time babe" I said to Ross. The others all looked just as sad so I texted Lottie as soon as we stopped at a rest telling her to speak to Ell because I knew that he loved the band too much...well i hoped anyway...

Do i know you too well? (An Ellington Lee Ratliff fic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now