Chapter V

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Erin followed Siren through the right door of the Junction. They entered a corridor that had an arch way on the right side in which Erin could see Kremic working on the hyperdrive. Further down the corridor was a black door. Siren pushed a button and the door slid upwards to reveal the weapon array manual control. In the centre there was a suspended seat with a circular control panel with three display screens above the panel hanging In front of the seat.

"Ok I wasn't expecting this" said Erin rather nervously.

"It's a lot easier to operate than it looks" Siren promised chuckling a little.

"I will remember you said that" Then he smiled at The Twi'lek.

"Ok come and sit here" Siren said gesturing to the seat. Erin walked over to the seat and sat down, causing it to bounce and swing slightly. Siren stood behind Erin then flicked a switch on the left end of the console. The display screens light up and suddenly the seat rose and leant slightly forward. Erin raised both hands up in alarm.

"It's okay" Siren assured him, laughing once again.

"Now, you have control of the main turret here..." he pointed to a pair of joysticks in the middle of the panel.

"This is your display" he added gesturing too the screen directly above. As Erin opened his mouth to ask more Siren continued on. Now drawing Erin's attention to the right screen he said " ok here are your controls for missiles..."

"You've really upgraded her haven't you?" Erin interrupted. He could see Siren's smile in the reflection on the display screens.

"Yeah, she's my baby and you gotta give your kids the best toys"

He then grasped the seat behind Erin's head.

"Ok, so we done main turret, missiles... oh yeah disrupters!" He then pointed to the left side.

"This side controls the disrupters. All you have to do is get a lock on a target and the tracking system will fire on it when it's in range"

"So how do you operate all of this at the same time then?"

Erin could see the smile in the reflection again.

"Well that's the best part!"

He then pulled a head set from behind and slowly placed it on Erin's head.

"This is how you talk to Peppi"

"Peppi?" Erin asked while trying to adjust the headset.

"Peppi is the Weapons Array" siren explained, then he flicked another switch and suddenly a female voice spoke in Erin's ear "My systems are online and ready for interface"

"Should I say something?" Erin asked looking slightly confused.

"Well I'm not here for your amusement" the voice replied in a very irritated tone. Erin raised an eyebrow.

"Do you give all your A.I unorthodox personalities?"

Siren laughed but Peppi replied
"If your going to talk about me like I'm not here I will simply not be here" and with that the system did indeed shut down. Erin raised his hands again in alarm.

"What just happened?"

"You pissed her off" Siren said In between chuckles. Just as Siren was about to flick the switch once more they suddenly heard Kremic shouting on the other side of the door.

"Oh what's going on now?!" Siren sighed. He walked over to the door and Erin heard the swoosh of the door sliding up.

"Hey Krem! What are you shouting about?"

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