Chapter II

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The group were inside Siren's apartment, which was in the lower levels of the city but far from any major Republic buildings or facilities. The Apartment was small with two rooms; a bedroom/kitchen and a very small bathroom. Erin got the impression it was more more of a hideout than a home. Darla was lying on a small single bed while Kremic tended to her wounds. Siren was attempting to repair a control panel so they could see if there had been any news on what had happened. Erin had offered assistance but Darla had told him is was better to let Siren get on with it and that he was the type of person that would ask for help when needed.

They didn't speak much while Siren repaired the console. Once Kremic had finished bandaging Darla and gave her some medication she fell asleep within minutes. Erin passed the time by meditating or least attempting to meditate. He couldn't focus his mind, he just kept thinking back to the bodies and the uncertainty of their situation.

He wasn't sure how much time had past when Siren cried "I got it!" Erin turned to see if Darla had woken but she hadn't even moved. He walked over to where Siren was standing. It was here Erin realised how much they contrasted in size and physical appearance. Above the desk where the console was there was a mirror. This was the first time Erin had seen his reflection since the siege. His black hair was bairly holding its shape in his ponytail and he was wearing some old combat suit that the droid had given him on the ship. His face had scratches and dirt invading the green of his skin and his grey eyes look worn and tired. He looked at Siren in the mirror standing at least six inches taller than him. He had changed into a black tank top once they got into the apartment, so now Erin saw that this Twi'lek was truly well built to match his height.

Erin looked down to watch Siren put the view screen to a Coruscant news broadcast. Erin didn't spend much time on Coruscant during the war or even the core systems, so he never really got a chance to watch a news broadcast before. The screen was displaying the burning Temple, but from an angle far away from the Temple itself. The Temple was still a blaze and it looked like there was a lot of troop movement outside. A voice over was half way through giving a report.

"... but with all the speculation in the Galaxy we will get no closer to the truth until we get a statement from the Chancellors office. There have been some disturbing rumours that six Jedi Knights were seen entering the office earlier today and some believe the Jedi had gone there to kill him..." the commentator elaborated on this theory and Siren turned to look at Erin. Erin was standing looking down at the screen but Siren was leaning over with both hands supporting him on the desk and was still at eye level with Erin.

"Is that true?" He asked the Jedi

"I'm not sure" Erin told him honestly but then continued.

"But if a group of Jedi went to the Chancellor's office I doubt they went to kill him. Maybe an arrest perhaps, but a private execution, this is not the Jedi way"

"Why would they arrest him?"

"Again I'm not sure but if this is true then the Chancellor somehow got out of being arrested and Ordered Clone Order 66"

Erin tried to piece the little information he had together but the pieces just didn't fit in his head, there was something big he was missing or yet hadn't been revealed to him.

"Do you think he could have used this Order 66 as a retaliation to the Jedi trying to arrest him?" Siren asked

"Well that would be a pretty brave move don't you think? I mean the Chancellor needs to explain this massacre to the Senate and I'm not sure if a attempted arrest would be enough justification for someone to try and wipe out the Jedi Order. I mean something like this would require planning and years to put into place for all..." he trailed off his eyes widening. He saw it. Inside his head the one big piece that was missing.

STAR WARS: Shadows Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora