I'll wait for the sun

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I can't hear her when she falls asleep
I'm always sad when the sun goes down
Where does she go in her dreams
I can't see her through these headphones she lives in
Distance making a cold space between us
Your side of the bed a state so far from mine
I can't hear her shallow breathing
I can't see her eyes shut softly
Racing beneath her eye lids
I hope she dreams of somewhere beautiful
I wonder if there's flowers there
I can't hear her when the sun goes down
I plead every night with the silence
Wake up
My ears miss the way your lips move
But her eyelids followed the sun
I asked the moon to concider wearing yellow tonight
shades of red or orange
She said it wasn't her color
I get my warmth from knowing when the sun is up
You will be too
Although I'm not sure which brings more light into my life each morning

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