smoking my life away

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I'm smoking my life away one drag at a time
when you talk about how she broke your heart
I think about how you broke mine
Part of me says baby come here we can go back to the start
The other part says karmas a bitch now you know how it feels to be hurt
Sometimes the wounds don't heal
you're left with pain
Every time you see her
Or hear her name
Shes gone again but was she ever really here
Now its all long panic attacks in short hallways
And there's not enough good with the bad days
You can't catch your breath but you've forgotten why you're breathing
Another day of smoking my life away
Another moment of wishing someone would stay
Another reason to live gone in a puff of smoke
Hoping this nicotine will help me cope
You're crying in a bathroom screaming in your bedroom
Finding comfort in an old friend
While hoping it'll all end
They see a quiet bright eyed beauty with a quick tongue and stubborn personality but inside you're drowning
Searching for answers
in a world full of unasked questions
Another day of smoking my life away
I say I want to die
Because its of living I'm afraid

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