Chapter 7

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/W/H/A/T/ /I/S/ /L/I/F/E/?/

Belle's POV

I'm taken aback. These poor children. I feel a hard, cool stab at my heart. It kill me when I had to see poor Mal like that. That is cruel. Even for villains. I feel anger rise up in me. I will give these four children justice. I will give them the love and comfort that they never had. I'll be the mother that they want. Mal and Evie are curiously looking at me.

"Supper is the last meal of the day." I explain and smile at them.

They exchange another look.

"You have more than one meal?" Mal asks astonished.

"We're lucky if we even get one meal. We are blessed if that meal is decant." Evie adds in.

My smile falters slightly. I guide them to the cafeteria. The room is loud. Many of the students are talking loudly and joking with their friends.

Evie looks overwhelmed. Mal's face pales and she searches the lunchroom.

"You looking for something?" I ask gently.

"Uh.. Just Jay and Carlos." she quickly mumbles out.

I simply nod.

"They'll be here soon." I assure her.
Ben's POV

The boys were sure something. They kept asking about Evie and the beauty Mal. (hahahaha see what I did there? heh okay i'll stop) When I walked in they were trying to figure out what the X-Box is and how it works. They were in the middle of fight over who was going get the diamonds when a creeper exploded killing them both. Jay tackled Carlos to the floor. I stood there watching it all. I cleared my throat before saying;

"Well then."

They stop and stare at me. Jay pushes over a confused Carlos and brushes himself off before standing. Carlos yelps and stands up ungracefully. I hold back laughter.

"Can we please see the girls now?" Jay asks crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah can we?" Carlos mimics him also crossing his arms over his chest.

Jay rolls his eyes and lightly slaps Carlos. He whimpers and jumps back. Jay apologies with his eyes.

"Sorry man." he saids.

"S'Okay." Carlos says quietly.

I raise an eyebrow but say nothing.

"Yeah. We'll see them soon. If you guys are ready we can head downstairs to go get supper."

"Supper?" Jay asks.

"FOOOOOD." Carlos replies and walks out the door.

Jay doesn't complain and follows him. I chuckle and lead them to the dining area.

"EVIE! MAL!" yells Jay.

Both of their heads pop up and they run over to them. Mal's angelic face mets mine and I smile at her. She looks like she's been crying. Her green eyes hold pain, hurt, despair, desperation, agony, and much more. I would do anything to take that all away from her. I really would. It pains me to look at her knowing something is wrong and I can't do anything to help this poor broke angel. Whoa mind slow down. Youhave a girlfriend.

Evie and Mal hug them. I look at my mom. She is concreted on the four VK kids. She looks sad and determined. I would have to ask her about that later. They break away and awkwardly stand there.

"This way to the food." I say as I lead them to the food.

Jay and Carlos pile their plates high with food. Mal and Evie take small portions of a bunch of different foods. They sit down at an empty table away from people. I shrug my shoulder and sit by them. I sit next to Mal and start to eat. I see Doug sit next to Evie. They devore their food.

"You do know no one is going to steal your food right?" I joke.

Doug jumps and I smirk. He was staring at Evie. Four pairs of eyes look at me.

"Really?" Asks Jay stuffing a piece of pizza down his throat.

I nod my head. The boys and Evie seems to like all the foods. Mal was rather fond of the strawberries. I find myself staring at her. Oh geez. I'm just like Doug. He has completely abandoned his food and has been staring at Evie. Oh I could totally see them together. Mal oddly smells like medical stuff. That's pretty strange. Her injured face makes me want to punch someone. I feel myself filling with fury. Who did that to her? Why did they hurt her? Most importantly WHY IS THIS GIRL MESSING WITH ME AND MY BRAIN?! WHAT IS SHE DOING TO ME? She hasn't even been here a day! After they finish we dump our trays. Jay and Carlos make their way to their room excited to start playing video games. Evie walks behind with Doug. They talk to one another quietly. Mal and I are a bit ahead. She looks down at the ground with her hands in her pockets. She limps slightly. Her beautiful purple hair covers her gorgeous face and striking green eyes. I walk next to her. The sun fades into the horizon. She stops and watches it.

"Hey I know a really good spot to watch the sun set. Follow me" I say.

I lead her to a bench and sit down. She sits next to be and watches in awe. I also watch it fade behind the trees. After 10 minutes or so I feel her head on my shoulder. My heart skips a beat. Her breathing is slow and even. Her face is peaceful and her eyes are closed: I chuckle and I pick her up bridal style. I carry her to her room. She snuggles into me and my heart warms. She grips into me. I open the door with my foot and Evie looks up at me.

"We were watching the sun set. She feel asleep." I explain.

She simply nods. I put Mal in the bed and tuck her in. I make sure she's comfortable before pulling her blanket up to her chin. She sighs contently and snuggles into the blanket. I smile and start to walk out the door. Sweet dream my angel I think before walking out and closing the door behind me. I now know I will be everything in my power to protect her. I'll do everything to keep her safe and make sure she's happy. I'll be her light and guidance. I will always be there for her.

So here is another random chapter with a little bit of Mal and Ben :D I really hoped you like it. As always pleas leave a review and tell me what you thought. I love you guys! Bye


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