CHAPTER 19 - 21

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CHAPTER 19 - Devin

Around 10:00am Andie vanishes in front of my eyes with a small wave of her hand. I'm not sure I'll ever get use to speaking with her one moment, and then blinking and she's gone. I make my way back to the Institute in a haze of thought. I'd forgotten how complicated high school could be with friends, classes, afterschool activities, and everything. I once saw this post online before my accident that said, "High School- Social Life, Sleep, and Good Grades. Pick two." Too bad fate only gave me one option.

I turn a corner and see the Institute in front of me. Now that they've slightly extended my EDA hours I'm not sprinting through the streets to get back in time, but even twelve hours is still inconvenient.

I walk through the front doors and give a polite nod to the Interpreters on duty as they scan me in. Rather than cross the hall to the elevators, I turn to my right and go up a winding staircase to the second floor. At the top of the stairs is a huge balcony that looks down on the Great Hall below and the dome above. I walk a few feet down the hallway to a set of double doors that lead into the library. Inside are rows upon rows of books that stretch to the ceiling filled with every genre of literature imaginable. Spaced between the shelves of books are long tables lined with comfortable chairs. At the far end of the room against the back wall are two staircases that circle up to a second floor lined with even more bookshelves. Between the two staircases sits a massive fireplace surrounded by couches and chairs.

At the front of the room is a circular desk, covered in different stacks of books and papers. In the middle of the circle sits the same middle-aged man from the Operations department who is always here every time I visit, regardless of the hour. The man in an all white uniform looks up as I enter and smiles as he says, "Devin! Here to stay or check-out?"

"Not sure, Ed. Is it crowded today?" I keep my tone conversational as I cast a wary glance around the room.

Ed nods knowingly as he says, "Not too many in yet. It's still early. Can I help you find anything in particular this time?"

"Nah, thanks, man. Just gonna look around."

A few people, Walkers mostly, look up as I walk down each row, scanning different titles. Most glance up at me and then go back to their books, but a few blatantly stare, as if I can't see them myself. One woman even gets up and retreats to another corner of the library when I walk down her row. I have half a mind to follow her and see what happens, but I keep my emotions in check.

I glance around and then slowly make my way upstairs. I turn down a new row and navigate to the section of the library with books written by people from Dream. I pass by books about the history of the world and the two monarchies until I get to the section about Interpretation. I select a book and retreat to a secluded corner.

After an hour, I go back to the Interpretation section and pick up two more books. Four hours after that, I slam down the cover of the second book and rub my strained eyes. I spent a good deal of time yesterday trying to find any mention of how to put someone to sleep. And yes, I realize the irony in that statement, but so far I can't find any mention of it and I've looked under just about every topic I can think off. Not that I want Andie to leave, talking to her has been so refreshing these last couple of days. But every second she's awakened in this world is a moment when we can both be caught.

To be fair, the books don't provide a ton of information on what Interpreters are capable of or how they do what they do. I suppose most of that is the type of knowledge that comes with actually being one. I cringe remembering my ongoing offer. Sorry Andie, not even trying to put you back to sleep is worth that.

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