CHAPTER 17 & 18

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CHAPTER 17 - Devin


I hear my name and turn just as the elevator doors open in front of me. Shock does not even begin to describe the feeling pumping through my veins at the sight of the girl from last night.

"Oh, thank god!" she says, before she throws her arms around me. The hug lasts for only a moment and then she steps back her face reddening. She smiles shyly and says, "Sorry. I was starting to give up on finding you. Boy, do I have a story for you and a lot more questions."

I have no response because I can't find my voice. Never in a million years did I expect to see her again. Realization slams into me as I process that my nightmare is nowhere near over. She isn't back on a cycle! The veil didn't work? Of course it didn't work, she wouldn't be talking to me right now if it had.

Her face grows concerned as I just stare at her. Okay, Dev, pull your shit together. The elevator doors start to close behind me, but I catch them with my arm. Finally, common sense knocks back into me and I remember where we're standing.

"Not here," I say and gesture with my other hand to the ceiling. The girl nods and glances around the lobby, then she steps past me into the elevator. I shuffle in and the doors close. We stand in silence for a few seconds until the girl gives me a confused look and reaches past me to hit the button for the roof. Evidently my brain isn't fully functioning right now. All I can do is stare at her like I'm trying to confirm that she is really here standing beside me and not just pulled from my imagination. But of course she must be real because I can't dream in this world. Evidently my voice has left me again because I don't even know where to begin this conversation. My thoughts pause when the elevator doors chime and the girl steps past me out of the elevator. She begins walking through the garden, turning back after a few feet, her head tilted waiting for me. I numbly leave the elevator and weave my way behind her until we reach the fountain.

She turns to look at me and I can see a fresh pink flush creep up her cheeks. "Sorry, my bed just appeared with me when I got here," she says. Funny, I hadn't even noticed the bed, but now that she has pointed it out I see that is it covered with a colorful blue and green floral comforter.

The girl straightens out the comforter and sits down on the edge of the mattress. She turns to me expectantly and pats the space next to her. I manage to find my voice as I sit down and ask, "How...?"

Okay, so maybe I haven't found all of my voice, but better than nothing.

She looks down at the fountain before replying. "I woke up... er, awakened in this garden. You weren't here, so I went looking for you along Lincoln Boulevard."

I tense and say, "Did anyone see you?" I try and keep the anxiety out of my voice, but think I mostly fail.

She hesitates and then says, "No."

I sigh as she continues, "But I did see another person like you."

Her eyes stare intently at the fountain. I'm not sure if she's trying to avoid looking at me or if she's just too lost in her own thoughts. I stand and run my fingers through my hair. I walk a few steps until I am standing at the headboard of her bed. I begin to trace the swirls carved out of the cherry wood and then ask, "What happened?"

I continue to distract myself with the headboard as she starts, "It was all just so bizarre. I was walking down the street and out of nowhere this guy just appeared on his motorcycle. He walked up to this dreaming guy who was across the street from me and put up his hand like this," she gestures to me with her palm up and facing me like she wants a high five. I'm very familiar with the gesture, but I don't say anything, waiting for her to finish her story. She puts her hand down and says, "and then there was this rush of air and when I opened my eyes the whole world had changed. There were cars and other people all along the street. But then, the earthquake started and all hell broke loose. People were screaming and it took everything I had to not move from my hiding spot." She shudders and says, "It was terrifying and so real. Finally, all the people vanished and everything went back to normal. The motorcycle guy took off and I came back here and found you."

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