CHAPTER 15 & 16

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CHAPTER 15 - Devin

I whip my head around the perimeter of the garden straining to see any movement in the shade between plants. "What is it? I can't hear anything."

When the girl doesn't respond, I turn and then jump back in surprise when I see only an empty bench next to me. She vanished. My momentary surprise turns to instant relief. Finally, this nightmare is over!

I collapse on the bench and push my hair back from my forehead and begin to laugh. Oh thank god she isn't trapped here. I'm not sure what I would have done if... never mind, no reason to worry about things that won't happen. Man, what a hell of a last twenty-four hours.

Just then a single pulse of vibration comes from my I.D. bracelet. I glance down and see the time reads 06:33am. Shit!

I spring up and run for the elevator, hitting the call button repeatedly. The elevator dings and I push myself through the half open doors and then hit the "Lobby" button continuously until the doors close. The building must be mocking me because I swear the damn car is moving at half speed. I hear the "ding" signaling we have reached ground level and I sprint across the lobby and out the door. It's only as my feet touch pavement that I realize I completely forgot my shoes. No time to worry about that now though.

Fourteen minutes later, I burst through the giant wooden doors of the Institute, my bare feet squeaking on polished marble floor as I pull myself to a stop. Several people crossing the expansive Great Hall pause and stare, but I don't care. I double over and grip my stomach with my right arm and hold up my left wrist to the surprised group of Interpreters manning the entrance.

"Here." I grunt as I raise my wrist higher. An older guy in a black uniform, Roy, steps forward with the scanning device and flashes the laser to my I.D. bracelet. The screen beeps and Roy looks bemused as he says, "Welcome back, WM-41210-LA."

"Thanks," I say between gulps of air.

Suddenly, a door across the hall bursts open and Muscle comes rushing out in full Interpreter uniform with Gloria right on his heels and a small group of mixed Interpreters following uneasily behind. Gloria steps in front of Muscle, blocking his path as she says, "This is ridiculous! He isn't even five minutes over and you're sending a whole party out for him."

"Would you prefer we wait another thirty-seven hours?" Muscle sneers and tries to step around her. Gloria steps back in front of his path and fumes, "I'm telling you this is not necessary, he will be back any minute now!"

Muscle ignores her, turns to the group behind him and barks, "Someone activate his tracking device."

"Looking for me?" I shout. The whole group turns their attention to me as I straighten up, my breathing nearly under control now.

Gloria rushes over and says, "Devin, there you are!"

Muscle stomps after her and says, "I admit, I'm surprised."

He glances down and notices my bare feet. Confused, he raises an eyebrow, then quickly turns his attention back to Gloria and says, "We'll still have to lower his EDA again though."

"What? Why?" I ask.

"One minute or thirty-seven hours doesn't change the fact that you were late."

"I wasn't late." I take a step forward as Gloria puts a hand of my shoulder and gives a gentle squeeze before releasing me.

Muscle turns to the Nightmare Interpreter next to me and asks, "What time did he clock in?"

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