Deans fingertips grazed the swell of his stomach something was seriously not right with this whole situation, the growing lump, the mood swings and his new obsession with getting out of the bunker to exercise. He decided the last one was a mere act of rebellion, Castiel had not let him go out alone since the lump had appeared on his stomach almost a month ago. He had decided it was probably for the best to wait until the doctor had cleared this up before he pushed himself to try and loose weight. He jumped out of the shower and put on some black lounge pants, if he couldn't go running then he would workout in the bunker or clean something. He rubbed his fingers across the lump again. "You're so rude little lump, you just keep getting bigger." He sighed looking in the mirror his once baggy AC/DC top was now a little clingy around his middle, he measured the thing it was almost at three inches outside the lines of his hips, it was hard too not like fat but solid. He sighed adjusting everything and throwing on the oversized sweatshirt, he didn't want Sammy to notice how fat he was getting he knew the other would just worry.
Dean strolled down the corridor towards his and Castiels room, his angel would still be sleeping so he could take the book from under their mattress without waking him. He had taken to studying how to control his grace and use it for all different types of things. His favourite thing was the way he could learn to use it to undress his mate, he knew the trick was supposed to be used to remove clothing on victims that needed an angels help but the other uses made it worth learning. He had learnt a lot of other tricks too like he could make things appear like fluffy towels and oversized sweatshirts, he had seen Cas use this trick before when he was sick, Cas would be able to grabs wet wash cloths and dish towels filled with ice without leaving his side. He smiled at his sleeping angel before leaving to go study in the library, professor Rothman had given him extra study books. He had been doing well learning fast, professor Rothman had passed him through to the graduation period of the angel academy telling him that he was one of the brightest students he had ever met and every angel he had taught in the past millennia had taking the normal 100 years to complete their educations, he had taken two months. When Castiel had heard from the professor about Deans progress he had physically beamed with pride in his mate.
Dean spotted a huge pile of books and papers on the table with a note on top. Ever since the professor had spotted Deans intelligence he had started delivering books and Deans papers to him, he gave Dean extra work to do and extra learning that had not been on the angels curriculum. This weeks reading compiled of Medicare Angels and A History of Angelic Politics's. Dean looked at the papers on top there were 10 of his essays from the past two weeks all sporting big red 100's, a yellow post-it sat on the very top of the pile with a list of homework and a message of encouragement. He plopped his note pad and pens down before heading to the kitchen to make coffee, he also decided to make breakfast. It didn't take him long to put together a huge plate of bacon and scrambled eggs, he knew full well that Gabriel would be trotting around the place soon and that the angel would be hungry so he made extra. He didn't understand why for the past three weeks Gabriel had been eating but he didn't mind the angel always loved what Dean cooked and they had grown close both chatting happily about Sam and Castiel. Gabriel had even told Dean stories of when Castiel had been growing up, they were adorable.
He made his way to his favourite table in the library putting both plates down before sitting and finishing up one of his essays about the various uses of an angels grace. Dean was chewing distractedly on a piece of bacon when Gabriel came in a plopped down in the chair opposite. "How are the essays going?" Gabe asked chewing some bacon off the plate that had been left for him.
"Good," Dean said through a mouth full of egg. He looked at his book again, "I am studying the techniques behind grace healing and what to do when it is not effective."
Gabriel clicked his fingers shutting the pages of Deans book. "I need to talk to you Dean, there is something Castiel isn't telling you ... there is something I have not been telling Sam."
"Gabe what's wrong? Is it something serious?" Gabe opened his mouth to speak again but shut it just as quick Castiel was stood in the door glaring at him. Gabriel blushed lowering his eyes from his younger brothers gaze.
"I did something stupid." He muttered low and Dean moved seats as Cas started to move forwards, he was sat next to Gabe his wings spread protectively around his brother-in-law. Gabriel let out a sob and buried his face into Deans chest, this simple action caused all of Deans previous defences to fall and he just wrapped his arms around the crying angel.
"Hurt him and I will stab you with an angel blade, I don't care that your my husband I will still do it I swear to Chuck I will." Dean said as he realized Castiels presence to his right.
"I wouldn't ever hurt my brother." Castiel said his voice low, "I was just trying to warn him before he said something regrettable."
"I want to hear what he was going to say." He could feel anger building inside him, Castiel was trying to hide something from him and that wasn't right. "What are you trying to hide from me anyway."
"Nothing, I am just trying to keep you from getting hurt."
"You smell nice," Gabriel suddenly pipped up, "Like grass and motor oil, oh and sweets." Dean chuckled hugging the other angel tighter.
"Its probably just my shower gel." He said but then noticed as Castiel shook his head.
"You can smell three different things on Dean?"
"Yes Cassie three very distinct smells." Castiels face lit up at the news and Dean just looked perplexed from angel to angel. Gabe pulled himself from Deans chest and Dean reluctantly dropped his arms. "You need to tell him Cassie."
"What if we are wrong though."
"Oh for fuck sake Cassie"

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