"He's with her right now?"

"Yeah, probably smacking lips together." I sighed sitting down on his bed. "What do I do?" I questioned.

"No idea." She commented. I dug through all of his stuff before I heard the front door opening and couldn't put everything back in time.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked coming into his room after climbing over all of the junk that I left in the hallway. "Look at this mess!"

"Why didn't you ever tell me about Carlie and the fact that you were engaged!" I said shoving the invitation into his chest before shoving past him and headed to the living room.

"We were young and stupid. It didn't matter."

"How does it not matter?! You were going to marry her! That's not nothing, Luke!" I shouted. "You got wasted when you thought about me being ready to marry you, what's so different about her? Why were you going to marry her but the thought of marrying me scares you?"

"It doesn't matter! What does matter is the fact that you went through my personal shit! Do you know how wrong that is?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me. This is my apartment and you have no right to do that."

"You should have told me about her and I wouldn't have gone through your stuff. Does she even know that you have a girlfriend?" I questioned.

"No. It never came up." I nodded. "I won't have one for long if she keeps acting like this."

"Acting like what, Luke? Like I'm nothing? Like I don't matter? Like I'm being lied to."

"Like a fucking crazy person. I don't have to tell you anything. I'm allowed to have some secrets!" He shouted.

"Yeah stupid ones like the first time you smoked pot or almost got caught by the cops or something! Not something like this! About a very serious relationship where you almost fucking got married! And mind you, July Fourth was only a few weeks ago." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're insane." He laughed.

"I could smack you right now." I mumbled going to clean up the mess I made. "You're so fucking annoying." I added.

"Yeah yeah." He said leaning down to help me clean. "Trust me okay? She doesn't matter. The only reason I was going to marry her was because my family didn't like her. It had nothing to do with the fact that I loved her. Because I didn't. We were only together for a few months before she said that we should get married and me being the little shit I was went along with it. When I got my job at the record label I broke it off." He explained. "I never loved her the way I love you."

"I'm sorry for going through your stuff." I mumbled leaning into him.

"It's okay. I knew you would do it someday anyway." He chuckled. "I'll just never leave you alone in my apartment ever again."


"What can I do to make you forgive me?" McKinley questioned. "I'll do anything." She added.

"I already forgave you but a blowjob would be nice." I smirked as we organized the mess she made.

"Oh really." She said looking at me and I nodded. "Alright." She said getting up and pulling me to the bedroom. She shoved me down on the bed and began undoing my pants. I laid back on the bed and let her get to work. I sighed as she brought her tongue up my shaft.

I laid there but my mind began to wander to when she was going through my stuff and I couldn't believe she actually did that. She really thought I was hiding some big secret. Well I guess I was but I just wasn't ready to tell her.

"Stop." I said. "Stop!" I shouted pushing her off. She looked shocked as she fell back.

"What the hell, Luke." She said as I quickly put my pants back on.

"You should leave."


"Just leave." I commented. "I really don't want you here right now."

"What? Why not?" She asked clearly hurt thinking that I forgave her. "What did I do?"

"I decided I don't forgive you for going through my stuff. I want you to leave." I said calm.

"Fine." She said turning around and going to the kitchen to grab her stuff. She made sure to slam the front door as she left and I fell back on the bed with a groan. I had no idea what I was going to do with her.

The next day at work when I was explaining what happened to Ashton, he sided with McKinley.

"Well dude. Are you stupid? You don't go out to breakfast or whatever with your ex-fiance!"

"It wasn't like anything was going to happen. She was in town and I took her to lunch."

"Did she touch your shoulders or arms?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah?" I said confused, most women do that.

"Does she know that you have a girlfriend? Who you've been seeing since December?"

"No. It never came up. She thinks McKinley is the new cook that I hired." Ashton threw his hands in the air.

"You're a moron!" He shouted. "Of course she was gonna go through your shit, she probably thinks you're cheating on her or something. She found something worse though." He commented. "Luke, there is no use in lying to her. She's going to find out the truth one way or another. 

"I'm not cheating on her." I confirmed. 

"Then why are you mad at her for going through your stuff unless you're hiding something? She knows the truth now. Get over it. All girls go through their partners stuff in their life. She is no different. Stop lying and stop talking to Carlie. I can see her texting you. Text your girlfriend and act like a caring boyfriend." He said before leaving the room. I always hated when Ashton was right. 

I knocked on McKinley's door and stood with flowers and a bag on Chinese food hoping she would open the door. I heard a groan before the door opened. 

"Oh. Hi." She mumbled stepping to the side to let me in. 

"I shouldn't have been mad about you going through my stuff. You were just worried and I'm not hiding anything, I promise. I mean yes I hid that from you but I wasn't sure how you would react if I told you." She listened to what I was saying. "I'm sorry I kicked you out." 

"I was sucking you off." I'm surprised that's the first thing she had to say. "You said you forgave me."

"I know. I'm sorry." I pouted. "I love you." I said giving her the saddest face I possibly could. 

"I love you too." She mumbled hugging me. "A lot." And said looking up at me and standing on her tip toes to kiss me. She rested her head back on my chest and I stood there holding her. She began sniffling. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked running my finger's through her hair. 

"I feel like you hate me." She cried keeping her face in my chest so I couldn't see her tears. "You're gonna break up with me and then I'm gonna be alone." 

"I wouldn't never leave you." 

"Don't say that. We're either going to break up or get married and both scares me." She said letting me go to go lay in bed and I followed. 

"Okay, I won't say that but I'm not leaving you today. Yes I was angry and yes I kicked you out but I still want to be with you." 

"Nothing happened with your ex?" She questioned. 

"No. We just went out for lunch. Nothing else happened. I didn't tell her about you, which I should have but we mostly just talked about work and stuff like that. I promise that I don't plan to ever get back together with her." She nodded as she held my hand. "I love you, baby. A lot." I leaned down and kissed her. 

"I love you more." She whispered pulling me closer to her. "Always more."

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