A little more

766 24 17

Tyler's POV

    I stopped crying and move away from Josh's arms before wiping the leftover tears on my face.

"I'm going for a walk."

I stand and grab my journal from the kitchen table.

"Okay, be careful Ty."

I nod and head toward the door. I stop, the door ajar and turn to face Josh, though I avoided his prying eyes

"I'm sorry..."

Those were only words I could manage even though he had no idea what I was apologizing for. Josh opened his mouth, but the door slammed behind me before he got to speak.

The day was cold and cloudy, the sidewalk empty and quiet, the water below me calm and clear. I walk along the bridge, thinking...breathing...

I soon stop and jump up onto the side, then sit down. I look out at the horizon, looking at how small everything seems from so high up. Staying quiet, I open my notebook and pull a pen from my hoodie pocket. Without thinking, words spill from my pen and land on the paper beautifully.


You split

And take in every time you see

A fake and counterfeit

In the mirror you appear

To see fear

And whisper this is it

In the mirror you appear

To see nothing else

But yourself as a face

A hollowed out space

Leave me with the razor

Just in case

I fall face down on the ground

And somehow I found

Enough strength to lift my face

And make a sound

And muffled though it may be

And crazy it seems

I never felt closer to you

Just crying as you torture me


It's time to say goodbye

To the earth and now my worthless life

Cuz everything I've ever made

Is dead now

Inside the grave [x2]

As I write, water drops onto the paper. I look up at the overcast skies, and feel a raindrop hit my nose. My eyes close, I smile.

 Josh's POV

Tyler left the bus, leaving me with my mouth open words still trying to escape my teeth.
I didn't want to follow him, but with the way he left, saying sorry without making eye contact, made me worry. After about twenty minutes I decide to follow him.
I grab my hoodie and walk out.

The day was gloomy and cold, everything was quiet. I stop when I see Tyler sitting on the side of a bridge with his journal in his hand. I watch him write, his hand never seemed to falter. As I watch, I feel a raindrop and look up at the grey and gloomy sky. I again turn my attention to Tyler, who has now closed his journal and is looking up at the sky. I can't help to see a smile cross his face. I never did understand why Tyler liked the rain so much, maybe because it was peaceful...

    As the rain began to fall harder, Tyler put his notebook in his hoodie and jump down from the ledge. I pretend to see him for the first time.

"I was just coming to get you."

I watch as he makes his way to me.

"What are you doing out here?"

I look over at him. He shrugged.

"Just thinking."

I nod and put my arm around him.

"I love you Tyler."

He moves closer into my hold.

"I love you too, Josh."

As we walk I feel Tyler slow and come to a stop. I turn and face him, his chocolate brown eyes searching mine.  Rain runs off the tip of his nose, and pushes his hair down on his head.

He leans in closer and our lips crash together, our mouths move in perfect harmony. He stops and our lips depart, but our faces are still inches apart.

"Promise me you'll never leave."

His forehead is pressed against mine and his eyes are closed.

"I promise. I was never going to leave anyway."

I saw him smile weakly, but his eyes clamped tighter. I could tell that he didn't believe me. I pull on the back of his neck and pull him closer and kiss him again.

"I promise Tyler."

Word count:  736

AN- Song lyrics from Tyler's Time to say goodbye Cover/remake. In the coming chapters the song might be posted on here so you may listen to it. Thank you for reading! <3

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