authors note

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So its been LITERAL years since I've logged in and honestly I'm not sure why anyone ever read this its pretty awful and cringy but congrats if you made it this far and I am so so sorry

I don't have the heart to delete these tbh but I also don't have the heart to continue so this is good bye. I don't even know if I finished this book because I haven't read it since like 2015 so yeah that's that.

Since I'm not going to finish I got my notes dug out from the depths of my Google Drive so you can all know what happened to everyone:

Gets Ellie back, Tang Shen attacks Jamie's home killing her parents when she discovers who Jamie is (April's secret twin) and then attacks the lair and somehow got ahold of more Kraang technology. Its a portal that leads to a different dimension. Jamie pushes Tang Shen into portal, Raph goes after them, portal closes behind them. Raph and Jamie get back after fighting their way through and then they all live happily ever after.

Sorry that sucked but thats what I originally had planned. If anyone wants to finish it, go ahead! Start a Shredder's Associate tag or something. Again, I'm so sorry I won't finish this if you wanted me too.


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