Race Against Time

Start from the beginning

Movement at the corner of her eyes caught her attention. She turned her head and her heart accelerated dangerously as she caught sight of three of the nasty creatures running parallel to them, jumping over the rocks in an attempt to catch up with them. A scream died inside her throat as yet another arrow flew past her left ear but before she could react Elrohir had already released an arrow. The arrow hit a large rock with a muted sound as one of the orcs quickly ducked behind it.

Elrohir shot again, but the orcs where quick in hiding, the rocky landscape working at their advantage. To her left, she saw Legolas releasing more arrows into the wind, also smashing into rocks. The orc's black arrows rained over them as Elrohir and Legolas shot in return. Although Elladan also carried a bow, she knew that he could not use it with her sitting in front of him. A loud cry reached her ears just as Elrohir released yet another arrow.

"One!" She heard the younger twin yell with a smirk as he ducked just in time under a flying black arrow.

Elladan suddenly pushed her down, ducking over her just as another black arrow flew this time over their heads, missing them by inches. The two orcs remaining continued to shoot at them, but Legolas and the twins moved faster than the arrows, narrowly evading them.

More cries echoed in the distance, along with the sickening sound of metal hitting metal. Another battle had started somewhere in the forest, this time farther away than the first one. A cold feeling ran through her veins and she felt as if her blood had turned into ice. The orcs seemed to be spread all over the forest, attacking by surprise in small groups rather than as a large one. She knew that way it would be easier for at least one group to run into them as they tried to flee. There was no way of knowing where the groups were spread.

Another arrow buzzed past her face, Elladan turning the horse to the right just in time for it to miss them. Elrohir and Legolas had pressed closer to them, at either side, bows already shooting more arrows that slammed into cold hard stones. She watched as Elrohir released yet another arrow and another high-pitched cry echoed in response.

"Two!" she heard the younger twin yell and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief, as she finally understood what the numbers meant.

"You are counting the orcs you kill?!" She yelled back, her voice not masking her shock and slight anger at their game. It was unbelievable.

However, her words were only met by a sudden grunt from Elladan on her left ear, his body sharply tensing as she felt a wave of excruciating pain suddenly assault her for only a split second before disappearing. She felt heart skip a beat and her eyes widen in terror. She quickly turned to face him, eyes frantically studying him.

"Dan!" She breathed out in fright, her voice almost inaudible as she searched his eyes. She knew something was wrong.

"Five!" She heard Legolas exclaim to their left as the last orc following them fell with a sickening cry.

Elladan did not answer her; his jaw was clenched, breathing hard between gritted teeth. The black shaft of an arrow protruded from his right thigh, crimson blood already starting to ooze from the wound. His silver eyes turned to meet hers for a second, piercing through her, not revealing any of signs of pain. Quickly he turned his concentration once again to the front, guiding the horse through the uneven land. Elrohir rushed close to their left, his horse almost touching Elladan's as he ran parallel to them.

"Are you all right?" Elrohir's voice was raised over the deafening cold wind as they ran. The daring look in his silver eyes had been replaced by a new, alarmed one, eyes burning into his brother, a combination of ire at the orcs and fear transparent in their depths.

"Yes" Elladan managed to answer between clenched teeth, quickly turning to eye his twin. Elrohir nodded in response, alert hard eyes turning once again to the front as he moved the horse to position himself ahead of them. She could tell that Elrohir had precise knowledge of his twin's injury, and felt that his words had meant to ask if he could continue or needed to stop.

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