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Japan and Taiwan have known each other for a long time. In fact, for years they've known each other, maybe you can say more, like centuries, but whatever floats your boat. They've had a close friendship with each other, helping each other out with school work at the World Academy W or hanging out sometimes to chat or do something during free times.

Japan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have known Taiwan for a pretty long time, and she's a very polite, cheery girl who tends to worry a lot but, still, in a way, it's good to know that it's not the bad type of worry, it's the type that shows someone cares for you. She also seems to get quick tempers for a happy calm person, I don't know why though. I was standing in front of the World Academy school building outside, since I finished Mr. Germany's orders to print the newspapers early and he gave me permission to take a break until lunch time was over. I pulled my phone out with a picture of Hatsune Miku as the lock and home screen as I looked at the time. 11:55am. She should be out soon. Maybe I should go get my lunch box in the meantime. And so I open the doors and walk down the hallways, trying to be quiet so I don't disturb any of the busy, progressing clubs. Then I arrive at my locker and enter the combination code in. After I open my locker, I grab my Hatsune Miku lunchbox and checked inside to make sure after hours of being in the locker, that my lunch was still ok, fresh to eat, and not mushed up together or around the lunchbox. "Ok, It's still good" I sighed with relief. My lunch was still the way it was, Rice, boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, basically a Bento. Then, the same minute I closed my locker was the same minute the bell rang. Uh-oh, better run! I tried to run before the countries came out of thier club rooms, but it was already too late, everyone crowded the hallways, running towards thier lockers to get thier lunch and then rush to the cafeteria. I'm very serious when I say the way they did it reminded me of America's citizens in New York and other city-like states around New Years Eve with the ball drop, and shopping sales like Black Friday and such. One crowding and pushing another just to be first for something ridiculous. Then after the hallways started to clear up a little, I brushed my pants and started looking for Taiwan. "Taiwan! Taiwan! Where are you?" I called out. But then, I was interrupted by a tall man with glasses and a loud voice that suddenly slapped his hand on my shoulder. "Yo Japan! 'Sup man?" "Oh, hello Mr. America" "Wanna eat lunch with me again?" He asked with his prideful smile. I couldn't really refuse him because that would be rude of me, even though I wanted to try asking Taiwan to eat lunch with me today for a change. "Well, I suppose I could---" "Great! Let's go bro!" He then yanks my arm and drags me really fast to the Cafeteria. Something tells me that maybe I should have lied and said "I'm busy". Usually, whenever I sit with him at lunch, sure, he talks to me throughout all lunch and would sometimes, or mostly now, let Prussia and Denmark join our conversation, but now that I wanted to eat lunch with Taiwan, I think saying "yes" to his offer might have ruined that chance. Then he finally rocketed us to our sits and started opening his Captain America lunchbox before hand. Probably just wants to beat the clock and eat early. Then the bell rings and everyday is dismissed to eat."America-kun, be careful next time, I don't the teachers to catch you" "So what? I'm hungry! I have a right!" And then took out a hamburger with some french fries and ketchup. "America! Goodness! Don't you know how much calories are in those things?" "So what?" "How many do you eat everyday?" "Oh, I don't know, I know this is what I'm eating today" I give him a worried glance and then sigh. "Ok, if I did the math, correctly, that hamburger and french fries is..............738 calories!" and with that number answer America fell back in the sit and crashed on his back on the floor. Then he got up and sat back down while looking at me with his panicked face. "Dude! Seriously!? 738 calories!?" "In general I believe, I also included the ketchup as well" America then started crying with his eyes shut as he sniffled, "Great, now I have to go work out in the gym again..." "Don't fret Mr. America, if you simply follow my method of weight loss, you'll get rid of that extra fat in you" "But It's so hard to stay on a strict diet! You know that man!" Then another voice was heard from a distance saying, "Well too bad, consuming so many hamburgers in the first place was all on you anyway" America quickly recognized the voice and then stopped crying, stood up, turned around and gave the person an annoyed glare. "Mind your own business Britain!" He shouted back. "Just stating facts," "Facts!? Excuse me!?" Then the two had a very loud argument that silenced the whole cafeteria and caused some laughter here and there. "Wanna become fat? Not my problem!" "Shut up and eat your lunch already!" Then from there, the cafeteria went back to it's regular volume. "Man, Britain is such a annoying, old grump." America mumbled before he turned to look at me and caught me laughing. I tried to stop before he did though, but, he saw me. "Dude, why are you laughing?" "No no, I was laughing at something else" I tried to lie, but for once he sensed my lie and said, "Come on man, was it something me or him said?" "Maybe," I said as I accidentally giggled again. "Japan, come on, what's so funny?" And throughout lunch, he begged me to tell him, but I just stayed laughing on purpose so I couldn't answer it and "save him some sweat" as he would call it. Now I'm in the hallway, an hour after lunch ended, going back to Newspaper club, I really wished I had that chance to ask her, but It seems that that chance I want will take a long time. I wish I wasn't so shy!

Hetalia: Taipan - What's this feeling?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang