Chapter 10

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I try to say goodbye and I choke

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I try to say goodbye and I choke

I try to walk away and I stumble

Though I try to hide it, it's clear

My world crumbles when you are not near

Goodbye and I choke


Waking up my left hand automatically went to feel the empty bed sheets by my side as if it's been trained to do so. Sitting up on my bed my eyes trailed to the windows that had light streaming in as if to welcome new day. My eyes wondered from the windows to focus at the blood stains on my sheets from Ethan's wounds. I wonder what'd happened last night and a part of me wondered why he'd left. 

Getting out of bed I got into the bathroom to take a shower. After wearing some sweats and tying my hear up I went to the kitchen where I could already smell the pancakes my Grandma was making from a mile away. Stepping into the kitchen, I looked to one of the stools to see Joshua and across him stood Nona behind the stove. I hadn't told Nona about the break up yet and my mind was trying to comprehend why this Jerk was in my apartment.

"Oh there she is" Nona said motioning towards me. "Come grab a sit darling, Joshua has been here for a while now. I made pancakes to pass time" She said placing some pancakes on a plate for me and Joshua.

"Oh Yum" I said faking a smile, I grabbed a chair and dragged it away from Joshua. I sat down and ate my breakfast.

" Why are you here? " I muffled with my mouth filled with pancakes, this pig didn't deserve my decency at all.

"I came to talk to you about something", he said. "Can I talk to you in the living room?" He asked. Furious and irritated I grabbed my plate of pancakes thanking Nona in the process and we made our way to the living room.

"Talk" I said plopping down on the couch. 

" I came to say I'm sorry Andrea and I don't expect you to forgive me right now but the least you could do is listen" he said, looking sincere and sorry. I sighed placing down my plate and and focused all my attention at him.

"What is it, what do you want?" I asked.

"It's Summer I know she might not seem like the nicest person in the world at times but I don't know why I just love her. She explained it to me saying it was some sort of link we had that we were meant to be. Like soul-mates and stuff. I never meant to cheat on you Andrea I just didn't know how to explain it to you, you're my best friend and I don't want to lose you please understand that" he said moving his hand towards mine and I pulled my hand away before he could touch it.

"Thank you, will that be all" I said, honestly thankful he'd come to confront me.

"No, I'm afraid not. Summer also seems very worried about you, she says the Ethan guy you've been hanging around is not the guy you think he is. I've never seen Summer care so much about someone she'd been running around trying to contact the both of you last night" Joshua said, running his hands through his hair. "I'm still confused as to why she's worried and she refuses to tell me"

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