“Adam. I’m sorry. That should not have happened. I guess I was caught up in the moment.” She apologized for the most incredible kiss she’d had in ages.

Adam laughed a small chuckle, and said, “No need to apologize for the best thing that’s happened to me in a good while! Any time you need to be caught up in the moment, I will gladly volunteer.” His grin spoke to her in a way that touched her heart and moved her deeply.

Reality struck her then, and she put her head in her hands and started to cry. She could not put him in that kind of danger. Adam moved a piece of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, cupping her ear and the back of her head with his hand. “Renee, what is it?” He whispered.

“It’s nothing. I’ve just had an emotional couple of days, and not enough sleep. Fear grips my heart to the point where I can’t breathe.” I should not have said that, she thought.

“What has you so afraid that you cry during thunderstorms, Renee?”

“Adam, don’t ask questions when you are not prepared for the answer. I don’t want you to get hurt. It’s better for us to remain friendly neighbors than for him to find out about us.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked in a concerned voice.

“Adam, it’s better if you don’t know. If I keep you in the dark, you can’t get hurt.” She laughed at the irony of the power being out. She put her head on his shoulder and sighed. “Let me light a fire. This storm’s not going away any time soon.” As she stood, she laughed at the double meaning. Kissing him again would be so sweet, though.

She walked into the kitchen and brought back a cup of coffee for Adam. “Thank you, Renee. Mm. That is some good coffee.”  He smiled at her, and held her hand with the one that was not holding his mug. “I need to know what’s going on. I can protect you, but only if I understand the threat.”

“I really do appreciate the thought, Adam, but you don’t know what you are getting into.”

“Then tell me.”

“I can’t.” And she started to cry again. He didn’t question any more, but put his arms around her, and held her close. She rested her head on his chest. He smelled like Stetson and motor oil, but the motor oil wasn’t overpowering. Her hands went around his waist. The warmth of the embrace brought a level of comfort she hadn’t had since Jaden had died. She dried her tears with one hand, and looked into Adam’s face. The compassion coming from his expression radiated peace. She held his gaze for a long instance. He bent his head down and kissed her again, but only a light kiss. She let him kiss her, but the doubts were swimming in her mind like sharks circling a boat. “Adam. I can’t, won’t get involved in a relationship. I mean it. It’s for your protection. If the situation were different, I would welcome this. I ... how do I explain?”

“I understand you are afraid. I’m here for you and I will do my best to keep you safe. Renee!” The fear in her eyes caught Adam off his guard.

“I don’t want you in danger. You don’t understand. I will tell you soon! I promise. Right now is not the time.” She was out of ways to explain to him without telling him what was going on.

“I won’t push the issue, then. I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to tell me. If, for one second, you think you might be in jeopardy, call me. I can be here in a second.” That knowledge sent relief soaring through the fear that captivated Renee’s mind, and shattered it.

“I am so glad to know you! I’m sure you’ve got my back. I do want you to know that I carry a weapon, and have several, other than my flashlight. He’d be stupid to try to come after me here, but smart’s not something he’s really ever been accused of.”

“Good. Don’t be afraid to lock and load. Protect yourself.” Adam said. He stood and walked to the window. The rain was pouring in sheets and the power had not returned. He then went and put another log on the fire.

He returned to the couch, but instead of sitting next to her, he stood Renee up. “While we’re here, just us, in the storm, waiting for it to pass, can I pretend you want more than a friendship, and kiss you again?” She nodded, and let reality slip her mind for a few more minutes. His kiss was sweet, intense, and soft all at the same time. Yielding a little more, she placed her hands around his waist. He did likewise, and pulled her until their bodies were touching. They molded perfectly, and the thoughts of being with Adam more than just right now ran like a herd of stampeding horses through her head. He could definitely make a woman forget the danger and melt her senses to mush, and fast.

Thunder crashed again, and he wrapped his arms tighter, but broke the kiss and pressed his lips to her forehead instead. Renee rested her head on his shoulder. “This is something that has been missing for a good while.” She looked at Adam, giggled, and said, “Did I just say that out loud?” He nodded and grinned, and kissed her again. “If you keep this up, you might get this girl in trouble. Just so you know, I believe in the sanctity of marriage, and am not one to sleep with any guy.” He kissed her again, saying nothing, but the look in his eyes changed from desire to consideration.

“I respect that more than you know. Renee, I don’t expect anything from you. This wasn’t exactly planned, you know? Until a few days ago, when I came to check on my neighbor during a storm, I wasn’t looking to find a relationship. You are quickly changing that, whether you want to or not.” This time, Renee instigated the kiss, and pressed her mouth into his in a passion that took her breath away. Desire stirred in her core, past what she’d ever felt, even with Jaden. Though no one could replace Jaden, Renee could easily see Adam as a serious relationship. His kisses were like nectar and she was a honey bee.

He pulled away this time. “Renee, I’m not going to take you farther than you want to go, okay? I think we had better call it quits. You are bringing emotions to surface that I have not explored before now. You’re taking my breath away. If things were different...” He didn’t finish the thought. Instead, he caressed her face with his palm, and trailed a finger down her throat. Stopping himself from going further, he kissed her quickly one more time, then left.

Renee wondered out loud to herself:  “What just happened?”

She knew she’d have to tell Adam sooner rather than later. The sense of dread that followed her during the early part of the day had vanished in his arms. Butterflies replaced it. As she readied for work, Renee could not stop the smile on her face.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt