"Mia! Kill him, now!" Screamed Ashe who was battling another general. Vlad turned to kill another guardian but I lashed out and blocked his sword as it came raining down to Sara. She looked at the weapon that had been about to kill her with wide eyes.

"Leave, now!" I hissed. She slowly shook her head and gripped her sword as I blocked another one of Vlad's strokes aimed to kill her. "Your hatred will just bring him power!" I hissed. She saw the wisdom in my words and solely flew away to help Ashe. I turned to face my opponent.

Vlad and I circled each other. My sword hung loosely at my side but I would have been able to bring it up to protect me at a second's notice. His free hand was clenched into a fist and his other one tightly gripped his savagely crafted sword. His sword was twisted with jagged edges. It would slide into someone easily enough but when he pulled it out, it would pull out bits of that person's insides.

I flinched as I prepared to fight him. For me, it was quiet. There must have been sound but I could hear none of it. In my world, it was just Vlad and me. I stared at him full in the eye and he did not look away form me. He frowned slightly and I guessed that Ashe's theory had been right. I did not hate Vlad so he could not draw power from me. He slowly raised his sword and prepared to strike me. I wondered at his choice of speed as I prepared to use my sword. A quick attack would have been much more affective. Now I had ample time to block his strike.

In my world, the only sound was the ring of steel that was made by our swords. I was panting after a few minutes but so was he. I knocked his sword to the side and I could have killed him bu-butt I couldn't. Instead of taking the opening, I aimed for his arm and he was able to block me.

At one stage he knocked the sword clear out of my hands and it in bedded itself into the grass below. I glanced down at it in shock before looking up at him. I prepared for death to come. Try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to hate Shadow as he raised his sword to Vlad me. He brought his sword down in an arc to kill me and I threw my hands infront of my face, closing my eyes, waiting for the pain. But his sword never touched me. I slowly opened my eye to see that the sword had stopped in mid air a few inches from my face. He scowled as he lowered his weapon. "Get your weapon. I will not kill someone who is disadvantaged. I will prove that I don't need an advantage to kill you."

I hesitated. "You don't have the advantage of my hatred." I told him. He scowled.

"I do not need it. I can kill you anyway. Get your weapon or I will kill you."

I lowered myself to the ground and picked up my weapon. He lashed out at me instantly and I only just managed to block him. I vaguely noticed another demon who was flying towards me being struck down by Ashe. He really seemed desperate for me to kill Vlad.

I gave him a gash on the upper arm but his face did not betray the pain he must have felt. Instead he dropped to his knees and threw away his sword. "I give up, Mia. You have won. Kill me." He said, defeated. I felt a sudden pang of hurt in my heart. I was really trying hard to control my tears.

I stared at him sadly. All I had done was give him a gash, hardly enough to defeat him. My hand did not move, my sword hung limply at my side. I could not make myself kill him.

Ashe screamed at me. "Kill him! Kill him now!"

I flinched and stared down at Vlad's defeated eyes.

"You are not defeated." I said angrily. "I'll be dammed if a mere cut will defeat you. Get up." I hissed at him.

He slowly shook his head. "I give up. I am defeated." He said mournfully.

I growled at him. My eyes started to tear up. "You are not defeated. You can't be." I cried.

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