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Time began to mean nothing. You didn't notice, that it was passing when nothing was happening. It could have been hours in this room or it could have been days. I doubt it had been days but I lost the will to think properly. I kept my mind blank and tried to make nothing become interesting.

I failed miserably there.

To pass the time I laid near the door and pressed my ear to the ground. This way I could feel the vibrations which Vlad's steps caused. This was interesting for mainly two reasons.

One - it was a thrill because it was frightening when his footsteps came towards the door. He never came in but my heart rate always picked up as he approached my door.

Two - It was too quiet here and even this small source of noise was something.

It also meant that he wasn't leaving. He never left to go see someone else or to return to demons. This made me feel relieved. I had been beginning to fear that there was another demon in his life, a female one.

My earlier thoughts that I had been here for days weren't true. If I had thought about it I would have realized that, that wasn't right. If it had been days I would have been starving. I also would have slept, which I hadn't yet done.

Vlad couldn't ignore me forever. He didn't want me dead and he had to feed me sometime.

I heard it when the footsteps came closer to the door. Instinctually, I leapt up and ran for the bed. I didn't want him to know that I had been listening for him. I expected nothing to happen; for him to turn around and walk away like he always did. But that didn't happen. He came in with a platter of food in one hand.

I studiously ignored him and stared at the wall. I stared through un-seeing eyes but I listened with attentive ears. I jumped slightly when I heard him bang the platter down on the table near the bed I was on.

I heard him snort. "You're ignoring me now?" he asked arrogantly.

I ignored him.

He sighed in frustration. "Mia, look at me." He grumbled.

I let out a huff and turned to face him. My eyes bored into his and he glared back at me. I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it as I thought better of it.

He grumbled something unintelligible and he glanced at the food. "Are you going to eat or not?" he asked, annoyed.

I glanced at the food. "No, I don't want to eat right now. Leave it there and I'll eat it later." I said.

His face turned into a frown. "No." he said flatly.

My eyes narrowed at him. "What?"

"You could use something here to escape. If you want to eat, you will do it right now whilst I watch." he justified.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Excuse me?" I asked, outraged.

He remained silent and his face became arrogant. "How could I use something here as a weapon?" I demanded.

He shrugged and murmured, "You never know, especially with you."

I let out my breath in a huff as I angrily grabbed the platter and set in on my lap. He took a few steps back and leant against the wall as he watched me.

"I don't want an audience." I said evenly.

His lips curled into a sneer. "You don't always get what you want in life. Look at you; you could have turned out better."

I glared at my food as I ate. "Oh, so you have nothing to say now, Mia?"

I shook my head before I looked up at him. I put the platter down on my lap. Since I did it quickly, it made a loud smacking sound.

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