Enjoy it

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"Don't move." Paul said, lazily kissing Stevie's neck, when she attempted to. 

"But I need to go to the bathroom. Badly." She brought their clasped hands up to her lips, kissing each of his fingers. "Please?"

"Fine, but I'm expecting you back in a minute."

"Yes, Sir." Stevie laughed, getting out of bed. She quickly located her nightie and put it on, before closing the bathroom door from the other side. 

Their night was certainly one to remember. She couldn't recall anyone else besides, well, Lindsey, who cared what she wanted and needed in bed. Paul was caring and attentive, he was reading her body language and adjusting his touch, his rhythm precisely for her pleasure. It was obvious he was a good lover after the first time they were together intimately, but it pale in comparison to last night. Maybe the fact they didn't have to restrict themselves, also had something to do with it. 

"You gave me a hickey." Stevie said, coming back to bed. "Well, several of them, but this one..." She turned her neck for Paul to see. "Wipe that smirk off your face!" She swatted his arm playfully, before cuddling up to him.

"I can't help it, you're just so delicious." Paul winked, causing Stevie to blush. 

Stevie was almost tempted to fall back asleep, however, her phone started ringing and she groaned, knowing who was calling exactly.


"Good morning to you, too."

"Good morning, Lindsey." Stevie corrected herself with a sigh. "What is it I could do for you?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home, not that it's any of your business."

"Can I expect you in my studio in an hour?"

"Make it two." 

A short pause followed, but Lindsey didn't disagree.

"I was so comfortable, I don't want to go anywhere." Stevie whined, closing her eyes, when she felt Paul's fingers tangle in her messy hair. 

"Look at it this way, the sooner you're done, the sooner you can get the hell out of there."

"It's not that I don't like being with all of them, I just hate when Lindsey's being a jerk. I didn't choose to meet you, but I did and he shouldn't have a problem with it, but he does."

"That's exactly what it is, Stevie, it's his problem. Don't think about it, babe." Paul kissed her briefly. 

"You're right. You are." Stevie nodded. "I'll just think of when once I'm done with Lindsey, I can be with you." 

"I always think of being with you." He told her sincerely, kissing her again, deeper this time. 

"I need to shower." Stevie pulled away, knowing that otherwise, she wouldn't get out of bed at all.

"May I join you?" Paul asked, wiggling his eyebrows, looking quite comical.

"For a shower, yes." Stevie gave him a pointed look. 

Entering the bathroom again, Stevie first set the temperature of the water, before sliding the thin straps of her nightgown down her shoulders, the material falling to the floor around her ankles. She felt a very naked Paul press up against her back, his arms going around her. 

"You're so short."

"Oh, fuck you!" Stevie said with a laugh.

"It's not a bad thing, you're really cute, you know. I can just..." Lifting her up in his arms again, Paul finished his sentence. "Carry you around with me like this all the time."

"Does lifting me up turn you on or something?" Stevie gave him a look, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"You turn me on." 

Paul, at Stevie's request, lowered her to the floor and stepped into the shower after she did. He took the bottle of shampoo she was holding and poured a generous amount in his palm, rubbing his hands together. 

"Turn around." He said, then his fingers disappeared into her hair and she moaned, fighting against leaning back into him. A few lengthy minutes passed, when Paul spun Stevie to face him, tilting her chin up, so he could wash the shampoo out. 

Next he asked for the shower gel. Paul took his time, lathering her up, spending a good while on her neck, her chest, before kneeling in front of her to rub her thighs, especially the inside, as he innocently stared up at her, his hands dangerously close to her center.

"You know exactly what you're doing." Stevie attempted to give him an unimpressed look, but she grabbed onto his shoulders instead, when two of his fingers brushed against her. "We don't have time, Paul..."

"Says who?" He raised an eyebrow, standing up to his full height. 

Pressing her back against the wall, his hands gripped her hips, showing her to jump a little. "Aren't we a bit too old for that?"

"Who are you calling old?" 

"Myself, that's for sure!" Stevie laughed, but the look in his eyes told her, he wasn't about to back down, so she complied. "I can only imagine the pain in your ba- Ohh..." She moaned, his lips around her hardened nipple, feeling his tongue flicking swiftly against it. "Kiss me." She demanded, his lips capturing hers immediately. 

He brought his hand in between them, touching her to make sure she was ready for him. Making swift circles against her clit, he looked at her; eyes closed, cheeks flushed, her bottom lip in between her teeth. Jesus...

She moaned loudly, when he thrust his hips up, entering her at once. He didn't waste any time, building up a quick rhythm that seemed to work for both of them. However, not completely. The position, like Stevie said, due to their age was tiring them out, so when he noticed her to be right on the edge, he pulled out and dropped to his knees, once she was standing on her feet. Lifting one of her legs over his shoulder, wrapping his arm around it to support her, he pressed his tongue against her, working fast, alternating between flicking and circling, fully concentrating on her clit, while stroking himself with his free hand.

That worked perfectly. 

A few short moments later, her body tensed up with a gasp passing through her lips, her nails digging into his shoulders, as she climaxed powerfully, her legs then became jellylike, barely managing to stand up straight. He wasn't much different, the sight of her experiencing an orgasm like that, was enough to bring him over too.

"Oh my God..." She said, breathing heavily. "Your tongue skills deeply concern me."

Paul laughed, kissing his way up her body, sliding his arms around her waist. "Enjoy it." He whispered in her ear.

"Mm, I wonder just how many other women got to enjoy it, too."

"Less than you might imagine." He assured, kissing her lips. "I don't do that to just anyone."

"I hope not!"

Paul could hear a bit of jealousy in Stevie's voice, which he couldn't say he didn't like. 

Taking the shower gel again, he raised an eyebrow, looking at her. "Round two?"

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