A challenge

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Before Paul realized the loss of Stevie in his arms, she had already run to the door an locked it, she then took her previous spot again, snuggling up to his side. 

"You're bad." Paul nuzzled his face in her hair, as she smiled against his chest. 

"I'm not ready to deal with Lindsey yet. I'm quite happy the way I am right now."

"Mm, that makes two of us." Gripping her chin gently, Paul tilted her head back and kissed her. His palm settled on her hip, but Stevie broke their lips apart and shook her head. 

"I'm all... icky."

"What makes you think I care, besides I'm no different." Nipping at her neck playfully. 

"I need to brush my teeth." 

"Would you stop?" Paul asked, resting his chin on her shoulder, locking their eyes. "You should learn to worry less. I'm very aware of the amount of alcohol we consumed last night and I'm definitely aware of what followed." Stevie looked away shyly, but he brought a hand up to her face, making her look at him again. "And I want more." Smiling a little, Stevie pulled the covers up higher over her chest which Paul had sneakily inched lower. "I-"

But before Paul could continue, there was a knock on the door and... "Stevie?"

Sighing exasperated, Stevie spoke up. "Go away, Lindsey!"

"Yeah, I don't think so. Can I come in?" He asked from the other side of the door. "Are you... decent?"

She didn't know why, but the way that question came from Lindsey, caused Stevie to laugh. She sensed how uncomfortable it made him feel. It wasn't just some man she slept with, no it was Lindsey's friend and she spent the night with him in Lindsey's house.

"No, you can't come in." Stevie answered with a giggle, Paul's stubble tickling her chest, where he was placing a bunch of small kisses. 


"Don't you Stephanie me!" She told him loudly.

"Open the door, please. It will only take a minute."

"For God's sake..." Stevie muttered, unwillingly stopping Paul, as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed the first thing she could cover herself with, which happened to be Paul's shirt. Doing a couple of the top buttons, while walking to the door, Stevie then turned the lock and pulled the door open. 

Lindsey was ready to say something, but he was taken aback by the sight of her. God, she looks..., shaking himself mentally, Lindsey swallowed uneasily and made eye contact with Stevie. "Kristen has breakfast ready. Are you going to join us?"

"That's what you came here for?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, one hand on the door handle, the other on her hip. "We both know why you're here, Lindsey. Aren't you supposed to be at Leelee's race?"

"We finish eating and we'll be on our way."

"Good." Forcing a smile, Stevie said, then slammed the door shut, leaving Lindsey completely stunned.

"Am I going to lose a friend?" Paul asked, only half-joking.

"Don't worry, he just needs to be put in his place. Lindsey has never been able to deal with me and other men."

"But... he's married."

"Well, doesn't seem to stop him." Stevie shrugged, her demeanor suddenly changing, as she unbuttoned the shirt, but didn't take it off just yet. "Are you going to join me in the shower?"

"Do you really think I'd say no that?" Paul basically jumped out of bed and stood in front of Stevie in a couple of strides, wrapping one arm around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. 

"And...?" Stevie teased. "That's it?"

"Five minutes ago you were all icky."

"Well, then you better get me clean." Stevie winked and freed herself, taking Paul by the hand, leading him to the bathroom. 

Returning to his family in the kitchen, Lindsey took a seat with a puff. He completely ignored the look Kristen was giving him, as he reached for his cup of coffee and drank what was left of it. A few minutes later she had had enough of it.

"Would you give us a couple of minutes, girls?" Kristen asked Leelee and Stella with a smile, the two sisters gladly walking away from the table, since they had already finished eating. 

"Why'd you do that for?" Lindsey asked, once they were alone.

"Because I don't understand you and I want you to tell me what's wrong." 

"Nothing's wrong."

"Nothing was wrong, until I told you Stevie spent the night with Paul. What, are you jealous or something?" Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lindsey let out a heavy breath. "Although, you don't really need to answer that. I get it, I shouldn't be okay with it, but I am. I know you two are important and special to each other and there's no one like her for you or you for her, but Lindsey, you have to deal with it. We've all been doing fine, getting along for years now. I don't want to go back to how things were at the beginning. Why can't you let her be happy?"

"It's not that. Just... Stevie met Paul yesterday and-"

"Oh come on, don't give me that bullshit." Kristen shook her head, sighing. "Stevie's become my friend too, contrary to what people believe and I think she deserves to have a man by her side. Don't let your jealousy and sick possessiveness get in the way of her happiness."

"You sound like they're already getting married." Lindsey scoffed, pushing his almost full plate away, indicating he was done. 

"You never know." Kristen shrugged and left the kitchen with that, climbing the stairs up to tell the girls that they were leaving soon.

Lindsey didn't want Stevie to be with anyone else, especially not one of his good friends, but... he couldn't be that selfish, when he had a wife and three children and Stevie had, well, nothing. 

It was going to be a challenge.

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